TCO 290 Multimedia
Dr. Susan Codone Spring 2003


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TCO 290 Assignment Due Date Points Description
Student Home Page Jan 21 100 Students will create a home page and post it to the EGR webserver. On this page, students will post all future course assignments. This is a totally electronic class, so no assignments will be accepted on paper or by email.
Flash Text Animation Feb 13 25 This assignment requires a simple animation created in Flash that contains text.
Flash Drawing with Custom Gradient -- 50 This assignment requires a simple Flash drawing that is based upon the creation of a custom color gradient.
Banner Ad/Advanced Flash Animation Feb 25 75 This assignment will produce a full-featured animated banner advertisement using some advanced animation features in Flash.
Research Paper

See the topics

See who's doing what

Outline Jan 30

Draft Feb 27

Final Mar 18

200 In teams of two (better known as pairs) students will research a topic relevant to multimedia and write a research paper -- minimum of ten pages. Students will complete an outline, a draft, and then the final copy. The outline and draft will be posted in doc form for instructor review to the homepage and the final will be posted in .pdf form.
Design Brief Feb 13 50 This assignment is a one-page description of the final multimedia project, and contains a brief description of the project topic, intended audience, design strategy, multimedia elements, and production plan (including schedule.)
Design Blueprint Mar 25 150

This assignment is the full plan for the final multimedia project and has three major parts. This final blueprint should be posted to the homepage in .pdf form with the flowchart produced in Visio and embedded in the document as a .jpg image.

Document Plan -- this is the comprehensive 3-5 page document that explains the topic, intended audience & audience characteristics, design strategy, multimedia elements, production plan, and full outline of the project's final sequence.

Flowchart -- this is a flowchart of the multimedia sequence of the project, completed in Visio.

Storyboards -- these are the design thumbnails of each frame or major sequence in the multimedia project.

Rapid Prototype Apr 3 150 This assignment is the initial composition of the multimedia project, with all major features designed but not fully completed. It should give the user a "skeleton" view of how the final project will look, with approximately 50-75% fidelity to the final project.
Rapid Prototype Review Apr 8 50 Each student will review another team's rapid prototype and complete a full review.
Shelley Biotech Site Feb 20 100 This assignment is the first full Flash assignment, completed within the first month of the course, and features the production of a complete (albeit not too complex) website in Flash.
Stitch Site Apr 10 150 This assignment is the second full Flash assignment and features the production of a complete and slightly more complex website in Flash.

Final Multimedia Product

See the grading rubric

Apr 22 300

This assignment is the capstone project and is a comprehensive multimedia production, using Flash (with contributions from other tools) and implemented via the homepage. This assignment should produce a multimedia project that should perform one of the following functions:

1. Inform or Explain
2. Persuade or Motivate
3. Train or Explain a Process

Final Exam -- 200 The final exam is a comprehensive assessment of acquired multimedia knowledge gained from the course and will include information in student research papers. The final exam will not assess Flash knowledge.
Total Points -- 1600 --


last updated 16 April, 2003

Dr. Susan Codone, Assistant Professor Technical Communication