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Education and Training

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Pharmacology

Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC


Ph.D., Pharmaceutical Sciences

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC


B.S., Biological Sciences / Chemistry

Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA


Click here for Dr. Moniri's Complete CV or Biosketch



Dr. Moniri received a B.S. in Biological Sciences from Georgia State University and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Division of Medicinal Chemistry at the School of Pharmacy at UNC - Chapel Hill.  Trained primarily in molecular pharmacology and medicinal chemistry, Dr. Moniri completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Duke University Medical Center and joined the faculty at the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Mercer in 2006.

Research Background and Interests

Dr. Moniri's training has focused on molecular pharmacology and signal transduction of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR)  as well as the design and development of novel agents which modulate GPCR function.

Current research interests include signal transduction, alternative signaling, and design of functionally selective modulators of the prototypical GPCR, the β2-adrenergic receptor.  Specifically, this work seeks to characterize mechanisms of β2-receptor mediated generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species, formation of which we have recently shown to be indispensable for receptor function.

The Moniri lab is also interested in characterization of neuro-endocrine GPCRs which are involved in glucagon/insulin homeostasis, food intake, and satiety, as well as development of novel anti-diabetic agents which target these GPCRs.  One such project focuses on mechanisms of regulation of the recently discovered unsaturated free-fatty acid receptor FFA4, also known as GPR120.

For more detailed information on research in the Moniri lab click here


Dr. Moniri currently teaches physiology, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry in various systems and disorders within the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) curriculum at the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

PharmD courses taught in include Musculoskeletal Disorders (P3), Endocrine Disorders (P3), Nervous System Disorders (P2), and Infectious Disease (P3).

PhD courses taught in include Methods in Cell and Molecular Biology.

For more detailed information on teaching click here.


(Click here for PubMed listing of publications)

Ryan GJ, Moniri NH, Smiley DD.  Clinical effects of once-weekly exenatide for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.  Am J Health Syst Pharm, 70(13):1123-1131, 2013.

Gleason BL, Siracuse MV, Moniri NH, Birnie CR, Okamoto CT, Crouch MA.  Evolution of Preprofessional Pharmacy Curricula.  Am J Pharm Educ, 77(5):95; 1-8, 2013.

Singh M and Moniri NH.  Reactive oxygen species are required for β2 adrenergic receptor-β-arrestin interactions and signaling to ERK1/2.  Biochem Pharmacol.  84(5):661-669, 2012.

Burns RN and Moniri NH.  Agonist- and H2O2- mediated oxidation of the β2 adrenergic receptor: evidence of receptor S-sulfenation as detected by a modified biotin switch assay.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther.  339(3):914-921, 2011.

Wang Z, Humphrey C, Frilot N, Wang G, Nie Z, Moniri NH, Daaka Y.  Dynamin2- and endothelial nitric oxide synthase-regulated invasion of bladder epithelial cells by uropathogenic Escherichia coli.  J Cell Biol. 10;192(1):101-10, 2011.

Burns RN and Moniri NHAgonism with the omega-3 fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid and docosahexaenoic acid mediates phosphorylation of both the short and long isoforms of the human GPR120 receptor.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 396: 1030-1035, 2010.

Bagchi G, Wu J, French J, Kim J, Moniri NH, Daaka Y.  Androgens transduce the  G as-mediated activation of protein kinase A in prostate cells.  Cancer Res., 68(9):  3225-31, 2008.

Moniri NH.  The use of a patient-based medicinal chemistry case in the Nervous System I course. Let’s think about it! 11(2):1-3, Spring, 2008.

Moniri NH and Daaka Y.  Agonist-stimulated reactive oxygen species formation regulates β2-adrenergic receptor signal transduction.  Biochem Pharmacol., 74: 64-73, 2007.

Booth, RG and Moniri, NH.  Novel ligands stabilize stereo-selective conformations of the histamine H1 receptor to activate catecholamine synthesis. Inflamm Res., 56:S1-2, 2007.

Moniri, NH and Booth, RG.  Role of PKA and PKC in histamine H1 receptor-mediated activation of catecholamine neurotransmitter synthesis.  Neurosci Lett., 407:249-253, 2006.

Bagchi, G; Moniri, NH; Daaka Y.  Androgen Receptor.   AfCS-Nature Molecules Pages, 2006.

Guo, R; Kasbohm, EA; Arora, P; Sample, CJ; Baban, B; Sud, N; Sivashanmugam, P; Moniri, NH; Daaka, Y.  Expression and function of lysophosphatidic acid LPA1 receptor in prostate cancer cells.  Endocrinology, 147:4883-4892, 2006.

Wang, G; Moniri, NH; Ozawa, K; Stamler JS; Daaka, Y.  Nitric oxide regulates endocytosis by S-nitrosylation of dynamin.  Proc Natl Acad Sci., USA, 103(5):1295-1300, 2006.

Booth, RG and Moniri, NH.  Ligand-directed multifunctional signaling of histamine H1 receptors.  Inflamm Res, 54:S44-45, 2005.

Moniri, NH; Covington-Strachan, DW; Booth, RG.  Ligand-directed functional heterogeneity of histamine H1 receptors:  Novel agonists selectively activate and block H1 mediated phospholipase C and adenylyl cyclase signaling in CHO cells.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther., 311:274-281, 2004.

Moniri, NH and Booth, RG.  Functional heterogeneity of histamine H1 receptors.  Inflamm Res, 53:S71-72, 2004.

Booth, RG; Moniri, NH; Bakker, RA; Choksi, NY; Nix, WB; Timmerman, H; Leurs, R.  A novel phenylaminotetralin radioligand reveals a sub-population of histamine H1 receptors.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther., 302:328-336, 2002.

Book Chapters

Moniri NH.   Sedative-Hypnotics (Chapter 15).  Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry.  Lemke TL and Williams DA, eds.  Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 7th ed., 2012.

Invited Lectures, Presentations and Abstracts

Moniri NH*, Gleason BL*, Birnie CR, Crouch MA, Okamoto CT, Siracuse MV, McKay AB.  The evolving landscape of pre-professional pharmacy curricula.  Presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Orlando, FL, 2012.  * denotes presenters.

Singh M and Moniri NH.  Reactive Oxygen Species are required for  β2-adrenergic receptor mediated β-arrestin signaling.  The FASEB Journal.  Presented at Experimental Biology (ASPET), Abstract #665.6, San Diego, CA, 2012.

Burns RN and Moniri NH.  Elucidation of the phosphorylation profiles of the long and short isoforms of the omega-3 fatty acid receptor-1 (GPR120).  The FASEB Journal.  Presented at Experimental Biology (ASPET), Abstract #837.7, San Diego, CA, 2012.

Moniri NH.  Alternative teaching strategies in the classroom:  Development of critical thinking skills using case studies.  Invited seminar presented at Mercer University Georgia Baptist College of Nursing Faculty Retreat, January 5, 2012.

Moniri NH.  Development of critical thinking skills using case studies.  Invited seminar presented for the Mercer University Council of Deans, September 9, 2011.

Moniri NH.  Oxidation of G protein-coupled receptors:  The role of ROS on  β2 adrenergic receptor signaling.  Presented at Mercer University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Symposium, August 12, 2011.

Moniri NH, Strom, JG, Ashworth LE, Barnett CW, Bartling JW, Klein CM.  A continuous improvement process for integrated basic and clinical sciences courses in the PharmD curriculum.  Presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, San Antonio, TX, 2011.

Burns RN and Moniri NH. Agonist-dependent oxidation of the  β2 adrenergic receptor: Selective cysteine sulfenic acid formation detected by a modified biotin switch assay. The FASEB Journal. Presented at Experimental Biology (ASPET), Abstract #629.7, Washington, DC, 2011.

Moniri NH.  Regulation of the insulinotropic omega-3 fatty acid receptor GPR120 by phosphorylation.  Presented at The Medical Center of Central Georgia – Joint Research Conference, December 9, 2010.

Burns RN and Moniri NH.  Omega-3 fatty acid mediated phosphorylation of the short and long human GPR120 receptor isoforms.  The FASEB Journal.  Presented at Experimental Biology (ASPET), Abstract #585.6, Anaheim, CA, 2010.

Moniri NH.  Regulation of  β2-adrenergic receptor signaling by reactive oxygen species.  Invited Seminar.  Presented at Georgia State University, Dept. of Biology, December 4, 2009.

Moniri NH and Daaka Y.  β2-adrenergic receptor mediated generation of reactive oxygen species is a component required for signal transduction, desensitization, and homodimerization.  The FASEB Journal.  Presented at Experimental Biology (ASPET), Abstract #723.6, San Diego, CA, 2008.

 Burns RN, Hendy MA, Moniri NH.  Cloning, expression, and initial functional characterization of the human and rat free-fatty acid receptor GPR120.  American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics - SE Region Abstracts.  Presented at ASPET-SEPS Region meeting, Augusta, GA, 2007. 

Booth RG and Moniri NH.  Functionally selective ligands for the Histamine H1 GPCR.  Experimental Biology meeting abstracts. Presented at Experimental Biology (ASPET), San Diego, CA, 2005.

Moniri NH and Booth RG.  Functionally selective histamine H1 receptor ligands stimulate tyrosine hydroxylase in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells:  effects of PKC and PKA inhibition on H1-mediated catecholamine synthesis.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol. 29, presented at Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2003.

Legere JA, Moniri NH, Booth RG.  (±)-2-Dimethylamino-5-phenyl-1,2,3,4- tetrahydronaphthalene binds to histamine H1 receptors and selectively modulates cAMP vs. IP signaling pathways.  American Chemical Society Abstracts, Paper #590220, presented at American Chemical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2003.

Legere JA, Moniri NH, Booth RG.  2-Dimethylamino-5-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalenes: A new class of ligands for histamine H1 and serotonin 5-HT2 type receptors.  American Chemical Society Abstracts, Paper #43231, presented at American Chemical Society Meeting, New York City, NY, 2003.

Moniri NH, Wyrick SD, Booth RG.  Novel ligands selectively activate histamine H1 receptors coupled to IP vs. cAMP signaling pathways to stimulate tyrosine hydroxylase.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol. 28, Program No. 830.13, presented at Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2002.

Ghoneim OM, Covington DW, Moniri NH, Booth RG.  Novel phenylaminotetralins stimulate IP accumulation and dopamine synthesis in rat striatum.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol. 28, Program No. 249.5, presented at Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2002.

Moniri NH, Wyrick, SD, Booth RG.  New rigid diarylaminopropanes are histamine H1 ligands that stimulate brain dopamine synthesis.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol. 27, Program No. 479.20, presented at Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2001.








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