Contact Information


Dr. Hyun

Professor Sinjae Hyun, PhD.

Director of Engineering Research Program

Mercer University 1400 Coleman Ave. Macon, GA 31207

Tel: 478-301-2214

Fax: 478-201-2331


Objectives of the Engineering Research Program


I. Foster Undergraduate Research

- Be proactive for undergraduate research experiences during the academic year

   • Collect research opportunities at MUSE: Create a database to find research opportunities/be a mentor for undergraduates at MUSE

  • Promote collaboration with faculty at other colleges and schools at Mercer

  • Establish a website to show activities of undergraduate research

  • Provide funding opportunities for undergraduate research activities


- Promote summer research for undergraduate students

  • Information for research activities

      Research Experience for Undergraduates (Funded by NSF, DOE, and DOD)

      Summer Fellowships and Internships in public and private sectors


II. Engineering Expo

- Organize annual Engineering Expo

   • Collaborate with Freshmen Design, Honors Program, Senior Design Instructors, and students’ organizations at MUSE

   • Collaborate with the Admissions

   • Prepare presentations, including poster printing (supported by TCO and student workers)

   • Communicate with the organizers of BEAR Day by the CLA)


III. Engineering Research Showcase

– Take strides in a national trend with our undergraduate research programs

– Demonstrate undergraduate and graduate research activities for outside audiences, including upper levels of administration, the local community, and/or professional communities

– Create a website for undergraduate research activities and presentations