FYS-X 101/102:

Composing the Self

& Engaging the World

Dr. Chris Grant

Dr. Grant, a general in his own mind, spent six months in 2006 living in the former Soviet Republic of Moldova.  He is a political scientist by trade but secretly wants to be a professional photographer!

Sometimes we just need to stop and appreciate  pretty flowers  just for being pretty flowers.


The children below live in an orphanage in Eastern Europe.  Most are there because their families do not have the resources to take care of them at home.  Do we have a responsibility to them?  If so, what is it?  If not, why not?

The only monument in the entire world to Frank Zappa is in Lithuania!  Somehow, his music gave hope to Lithuanians struggling under communism when it seemed that there was none.

Syllabus, Fall 2007 Composing the Self
Syllabus, Spring 2008 Engaging the World
My life "over there"
Paper Guidelines
2nd Digital Stories

Sometimes it feels like i am the only one in the whole world that has ever been where i am...sometimes i am not too sure where i am going or even where i want to go...sometimes its tough being me


For there is none of you so mean and base, That hath not noble lustre in your eyes. I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, Straining upon the start. The game's afoot: Follow your spirit, and upon this charge Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!' (Henry V, Act 3) Shakespeare.


Faith is the essence of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen...(St. Paul).  Do you have faith in God?  In humanity?

  Mercer Heritage

Sam Oni Interview

  YOU-TUBE LINKS Musică Moldovanască

Zdob şi Zdub (dr.g's fav band)

Bună Dimineaţa (dr g's fav song) Boonika Bata Doba (2005 Eurosong finalist...it is in English) Everybody in the Casa Mare Miorita


Dragosta Din Tei (In Love with You) Numa Numa (Gary Brolsma version)


This page was first created on 11/27/06 by Prof. Chris Grant at Mercer University.  It was last updated on 01/08/08.  You may e-mail Prof. Grant by clicking here or you may return to his homepage by clicking here.