I Have Taught Recently
108: Professional Practices
- What is engineering?
What do engineers do? This course is designed to help students explore
the history
of engineering, to introduce them to the impact of engineering on
society, and to familiarize them with the personal and professional
ethics required of an engineer. Students develop critical reading
and thinking skills through extensive readings and discussions of
relevant engineering and social science and humanities topics. I
serve as course coordinator for EGR 108.
341: Technical Communication
- This course
required for all students earning a degree from the School of
Engineering. It is designed to acquaint students with the forms and
of technical documents. Students produce a resume, letters, memos,
reports, instructions, and a proposal; and make oral presentations.
Professional standards are expected as the students learn the
importance of skilled communication in working contexts. Emphasis
is placed
on writing as a process of thinking, of clarifying ideas and
discovering questions, as well as on writing as information transfer.
I serve
as course coordinator for TCO 341.
- TCO 345: Communication
in Management
- In this course,
students examine the role of communication in the management of publications,
projects, and people. Students will become familiar with information
specification and planning, quality standards, tracking systems,
and evaluation. Emphasis is placed on understanding organizational
structures, building teams, and adapting to rapidly changing technologies
and expectations.
- TCO 363. Instructional
- This course introduces
students to the theory and practice of designing information products
for teaching or training, including concepts of adult learning theory,
delivery in various modes (face to face, online, on CD, etc.), and evaluation
of learning. Students participate in a major course project including
planning and project management, instructional design, and training.
421: Technical Editing.
- TCO 421 is designed
to teach students about the process of technical editing. Students
basic copyediting and proofreading skills to improve grammar, style,
and form; and substantive editing to clarify document content and
Emphasis is placed on making editorial decisions based on document
audience and purpose. The course examines the role of an editor
in document production,
from conceptualization, writing, editing, and reviewing to production and
distribution. We examine the skills necessary for effective editor-author
relationships and for effective management of the publications process.
- TCO 630. Managing
People and Projects
- TCO 476 A study
of the best current methods for establishing and managing technical
communication organizations, including international and multi-cultural
work teams. Topics include developing virtual teams, cross-disciplinary
work teams, and international considerations.
660. Informationa Design
- Design
of information for many audiences, purposes, and modes of delivery.
Emphasis on writing and developing information for the Web or online
delivery, for single sourcing, and for multiple audiences including
international ones. Attention to visual graphical design..
- TCO 665. Instructional
- Designing
information products for teaching, training, or instruction using
a systematic
method. Course includes foundations in cognition
and learning theory. Topics include designing for delivery in
person, on CD, computer-based
training (CBT), Web-based training, etc.
Class consists of lecture, seminars, and a
senior capstone course that focuses on a topic of significance in
the future of technical communication. Through research and presentations,
students generate a body of knowledge and identify critical issues
related to the future of technical communication.
- Other
Courses I Have Taught
EGR 101, Methods of Engineering
EGR 101, Freshman Engineering Honors
EGR 102, Methods of Engineering II
EGR 103, Methods of Engineering III
EGR 105, Introduction to Engineering
EGR 107 Introduction to Engineering Design
EGR 201, Sophomore Engineering Honors
EGR 298, Engineering Seminar
UNV 101, Freshman Experience
TCO 280, Introduction to Technical Communication
TCO 351, Reports and Proposals
TCO 476, Communication in Hi-Tech Environments
TCO 491, Instructional Technology and Systems Design
TCO 491, Instructional Technology Applications
TCO 632, Knowledge Management
TCO 685, Project Research
TCO 691, Instructional Technology
TCO 691, International Technical Communication
BIO 615, Comparative Anatomy
BIO 615L, Comparative Anatomy Laboratory
Last Updated by HMG on
August 21, 2006