Mercer Clinical Laboratory:
MERCER CLINICAL LABORATORY serves as a sub-contract laboratory for hospitals, analytical laboratories and pharmaceutical companies. The prices are very competitive with very short turn around times on routine drug analysis - typically 24 hours. Quality is assured through independent quality assurance services such as Therapeutic Drug Monitoring services of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry. MERCER CLINICAL LABORATORY MAINTAINS COMPLETE CONFIDENTIALITY REGARDING CLIENT PRODUCTS, TESTING AND METHODOLOGY.
Mercer Clinical Laboratory offers quality services in the following areas:
a) Development of new drug formulations including micro-encapsulated sustained release formulations for parenteral and oral use, including oral vaccine formulations using our recently approved patented technology
b) New drug assay development and method transfer
c) Analysis of blood samples from animal studies carried out on a sub-contract basis with pharmaceutical companies.
d) Analysis of clinical samples from studies carried out (Phase I-IV bioavailability and pharmacokinetic studies)
e) Pharmacokinetic/Toxicology/Metabolism studies.
f) Stability and dissolution studies on drug formulations
g) Pharmacokinetic, statistical (SASS, SPSS) & graphical analysis of data sets.
Some of the equipment available include
Microsphere Production Facilities: This includes a continuous processing, fully automated Spray Dryer type system, suitable for small and medium scale production of microspheres ranging in size from 0.5 to 20 micron sizes. Microspheres containing antibodies, antigens, bioactive proteins, anti-sense oligonucleotides and vaccines are routinely produced in this facility
Analytical Systems include the following:
a) HPLC Systems: This includes HPLC systems with autosamplers and multiple detection systems including UV/visible & electrochemical (coulometric); fluorescent and computerized state of the art data collection and processing systems.
b) ELISA System: ELISA plate readers with an automated washer.
c) RIA Systems: We have gamma well counters & liquid scintillation counters for RIA assays.
Biotechnology Equipment:
These include CO2 incubators, inverted microscopes, fluorescent microscopes with digital imaging systems, laminar flow hoods, biosafety hoods & sterilizers.
Radio-labeling Equipment:
These include liquid scintillation Counters, Gamma Well Counter, Dose Calibrators and Radio labeling facilities (C-14, H-3, I-125 and Tc-99m)
Miscellaneous Equipment:
These include centrifuges, UV spectrophotometers, dissolution equipment, transdermal equipment, low temperature freezer, shakers, ultrasonifier, laser particle counters, DSC, FTIR, stirrers and pH meters.
