
Welcome to my home page. As an English professor, and moreover as a Victorianist, I have a love for old books, especially illustrated texts from the nineteenth century. I have designed this site with those texts in mind, and have included images scanned and prepared from several books from the 1860s through the 1880s.

This site will give you access to work I have done here at Mercer and also point you to my non-academic interests. You can look at samples of my academic work, including web pages created for my classes and Mercer organizations and programs, scholarly presentations and publications, and my curriculum vitae. You can also explore material and links for my other interests, such as music, Macs, films and food. I hope you enjoy looking around. Please write me and tell me what you think.


This page updated 9 August, 2004

In the summer of 1996 I taught myself HTML code so that I could build my first home page and participate in the new phenomenon, the World Wide Web. (At that time there wasn't really any other option than to learn hand coding—it was in the days before WYSIWYG web site building applications.) Since that time I have worked with several web site programs (including PageMill and numerous flavors of Dreamweaver) and learned new web page layout techniques (such as tables, frames and javascript rollovers). This evolutionary update of my home page is an opportunity for me to experiment with a new version of the software—Dreamweaver MX 2003—and more importantly with a new technique for site layout and presentation. This site uses Cascading Style Sheets (or CSS) exclusively for the styling and positioning of all elements. There are no tables, frames or image rollovers. My intent is to produce superior visual results with cleaner, more efficient code.