



My students worked in small groups to create web sites for currently existing humanities courses which did not already have sites. They met with the professors to discuss appropriate content, created or edited electronic texts when appropriate for the course, and finally presented their project to my class.

AFR 190: Introduction to African American Studies
Created for Professor Fontenot by Niki Schley, Claire Slocumb and Foley Texson

ENG 237 and 382: Literature and Film and The Critical Study of Film
Created for Professor Bluestone by Daniel Crager, Nathan Moore, Ken Rodgers and Cortney Taylor

ENG 263: English Literature (Beginning through Eighteenth Century)
Created for Professor Richardson by Alice Johnston, Glenn Nagle and Justin Parker

GBK 101: Great Books (Among Gods and Heroes)
Created for Professor Cass by Erica Dawson, Morgan Hughes, BeBe Parham and Josh Rogers