Fall 2012
Great Books 101/INT 101
MW 3:00-4:15, 4th Hour M 10:00
Ryals 207
Mary Ann Drake, Ph. D.
Phone: Office (301-5616) Home (477-4399) e-mail drake_ma@mercer.edu
Home Page: http://faculty.mercer.edu/drake_ma/
Office Hours:
Calendar of Events Policies
and Grades
Link to Blackboard
The Iliad of Homer,Fagels Translation
The Odyssey of Homer, FagelsTranslation
Aeschylus I Oresteia, Lattimore Translation
Plato Five Dialogues, Grube Translation
Thucydides On Justice Power and Human Nature
by Paul
Woodruff ISBN:
Sophocles I Oedipus the King, and Antigone, Grene and
Lattimore Translation
Aaron, The Little Brown Essential Handbook, 7th edition
Other readings as assigned.
As is true of all Great Books Courses at Mercer, this is a discussion course
designed to provide you with "great texts" and seminal, integrative ideas
that inform our cultural values and ideas. The texts are to challenge you,
stretch you, force you to think and write, struggle, analyze, criticize,
broaden, rethink, and reflect. Your reflective and rational processes will
be tested by your peers during in-class discussions (and hopefully outside
of class discussions) and with numerous writing assignments.
There are no prerequisites for this course. We do expect students to be able
to read and write at the college level. I do expect all students to know how
to access, and regularly use Mercer e-mail, our private Facebook group,
and Blackboard. It is the student's responsibility to read messages sent
out by the professor.
Employ multiple modes of inquiry through the examination of texts from
different disciplines and domains, with the purpose of exploring, analyzing,
and understanding the foundational texts and ideas that have defined the
Western tradition and the world in which we live.
The successful student will develop habits of careful reading and
writing, combined with the ability to be an active and thoughtful
participant in a text-centered discussion.
Specifically, after writing instruction and guidance in critical reading,
students will be able to:
Read, comprehend, and discuss a wide range of texts from different eras, as
well as from different domains and disciplines.
Identify and comprehend the ways in which these various texts and modes of
inquiry represent both distinct ways of knowing and contribute to a common
conversation spanning the centuries and disciplines.
Produce written work that is effective in analyzing texts across the domains
and disciplines.
Understand the idea that texts are subject to multiple and competing
interpretations that can be debated, both orally and in writing, on their
Demonstrate the capacity to participate in a civil and productive
discussion. The students will
be able to listen carefully, articulate their own interpretation of a text,
and support that interpretation with evidence.
Better understand the major themes, questions, and controversies that have
informed the Western tradition.
Writing instruction and development has a progression. First we have
dailies, which are used for immediate feedback regarding thesis development,
use of the text for support, proper use of quotations, paragraph
development, etc. As some of these problems become obvious, class time will
be used for mini workshops as needed.
The next level of writing that is built upon the consistent use of dailies
as well as classroom instruction, moves toward lengthier essays. At this
level, as needed in-class instruction focuses on paragraph development,
sustaining an argument, transitions, successful conclusions, etc.
Writing instruction includes learning how to use appropriate resources.
Early in the course, students will compile a small annotated bibliography,
using four to five sources, on the nature of the Western Canon and the
designation of Great Book. The process of creating an annotated bibliography
will include classroom instruction and a trip to the library.
Building from dailies to longer essays, the final, even longer paper,
requires students to choose one of their earlier papers as the basis for
revision and extension of the prior piece. Classroom instruction will
include what I call time-lines, first in a small group and then as a broad
exercise of connections of main themes from various texts.
Throughout the semester, each student will meet with me for an individual
conference to discuss the student’s progress in writing for the class. These
conferences will be timed with individual students as needed.
GBK is a writing instruction course and to that end, the following
requirements are necessary:
One of your INT 101 course’s most important tasks is to teach you to read
and engage with texts actively and responsibly.
Students are to keep a small
three-ring binder
to use as a portfolio of all their written work, including dailies,
journals, in class writings, revisions, etc. I am not usually picky about
minor details, but I do mean a small three-ring binder. In this way, you
have the option to type your reflection work and place it in the journal, or
write in your binder directly. We will have intermittent revision sessions
and students need to have access to their prior, graded work.
This assignment provides a place to record your daily work with texts, while
also giving you a chance to create a lasting record of your thoughts as you
move through the course. It
also allows you to literally “do” something with your reading, so that it
goes beyond “busy work” or a mere requirement and becomes instead a resource
for both your required participation in class discussions and for your more
formal writing assignments, as your initial response to texts and ideas from
class discussion feed directly into the papers you will write for the
Borrowed, with permission, from Dr. Denasi.
The journal/portfolio is also the
place where you should take notes during class discussion.
Please note that this is a requirement of the course.
To summarize, the following kinds of material should be
recorded in your Composition Book on a regular (class by
class) basis:
a) Ideas drawn from your thorough annotation of EACH of the
texts assigned for that day.
This information may be in the form of an outline or
bullet points but should be detailed and concrete and must
include a citation in the text for each point (page numbers
for prose, line numbers for poems, and act, scene, and line
numbers for drama) so that you can locate specific passages
during discussion.
b) Two questions to share during seminar discussion.
Please Note: these should NOT be informational
questions, such as: “what color was the lady’s dress?”
Instead, your questions should focus on larger issues
raised in the text, especially issues that seem related to
identity or the self, such as: “how do the clothes the
characters wear affect their sense of self?” or, “why should
a woman’s clothes be more important in composing her self
than a man’s?”
c) Detailed notes taken during class discussion.
It is not necessary to write down every word that is
said during the discussion, but you should listen and speak
with your Composition Book open and a pen in your hand.
As ideas emerge in the conversation that strike you
as important and potentially useful, you should record them
in as much detail as possible.
At the top of EACH page of notes, be sure to record
the date and the title of the text(s) under discussion.
Entries that are not dated, with complete information
on the title of the texts will not be counted when the
Composition Book is graded.
***** Students must have their journals during every class period inside or
outside of the classroom. No journal means a zero for the day.
Attendance: Attendance is critically important since what you
say and what your classmates say is part of the "text" for the course. More
than three absences will affect your grade as follows: a reduction from A to
B+ for the fourth absence, from B+ to B for the fifth, etc. If your grade is
a C in the course, absences four and five will reduce the grade to a D.
Eight or more absences automatically means you fail the course. Attendance
includes lectures, films, and other required outside activities.
Classroom discussion and writing are the essence of the Great Books program.
To participate means not only being in attendance, but also providing
thoughtful, and informed input as your part of the classroom discussion.
You must, in order to be counted present, have
a hard copy of the reading for the day, or if you are using an electronic
method of reading, a hard copy of detailed notes with direct notations.
For each required reading, you will turn in a one-page typed paper to
indicate your understanding of the material. One suggestion is to find a
particular quotation and explicate it; that is, tell the reader what the
quotation means and why it is important to the text as a whole. Use dailies
to practice formulating a thesis. You must cite properly; remember, you must
cite even when paraphrasing. Dailies should be one to two pages in length.
There will be times when I direct the focus of your daily.
For example, when we read the
tragedies, students will present a character analysis of a chosen character.
This expanded daily requires two or more outside sources and should
be a minimum of four pages.
While reading Thucydides, one or perhaps two of the dailies will analyze the
speeches in the text, noting both strong and weak arguments, method of
delivery, audience, etc. These dailies should be at least three pages in
Un-cited dailies will not be accepted. Do not email dailies.
Each daily earns either an 9-10 (A), 7-8 (B), 5-6 (C), 3-4 (D)
Midway in the course, students will research the criteria for the
designation Great Book, or inclusion into the Western Canon, using the
sources they researched for their earlier annotated bibliography. Students
are then to argue for the inclusion or exclusion of Homer, based on their
research. This paper is to be four to five pages in length.
Additionally, as is the nature of a Great Books course, there will be four
required analytical essays for the course, three semester papers and a
final. The three essays are to be four to five pages long.
The final is a comprehensive ten-page paper, based on one of the earlier
text analysis essays, spanning the
course, and using Homer and three of the five other authors used in class.
I will NOT GRADE un-paginated papers, and I will not accept papers
Students are to keep a loose-leaf binder for all their writing assignments.
Throughout the semester, we will select certain assignments for review and
revision. I will collect these intermittently to note improvement in writing
As needed, class time will be spent on writing instruction, seamlessly
integrated into the seminar format of the course. Much of writing
instruction time will focus on articulating a clear and concise thesis and
the subsequent development of a convincing argument to support said thesis.
Additionally, attention will be given to paragraph development, the use of
imagery, recognizing how ethos, logos, and pathos are used as persuasive
tools, and effective use of quotations, among other topics.
Longer Dailies
Essays, including
Annotated Bibliography
and Western Canon Research
Class discussion and participation
(15% of your grade): Participation in classroom discussions is an integral
part of the learning process of the class. I will give you feedback on your
participation grade at the end of the 4th and 8th week of class. Anyone who
has difficulty with talking in class should contact me so that we can work
out strategies for your participation. I will use the following rubric to
determine your participation grade. Borrowed, with permission from Dr. David
Grade |
Knowledge of material |
Discussion |
Approach |
0% |
Demonstrates a lack of understanding of the
texts through in-class writing and
discussion. |
Rarely speaks |
Frequently tardy; Daydreams in class |
6% |
Almost never mentions the texts; talks only
about own life experiences
Speaks but does not continue with the thread
of the conversation. |
Fails to bring text to class; Doesn’t listen
carefully to others |
8% |
Brings in interesting and thoughtful
questions from the text |
Communicates well and often |
Demonstrates a respect for the community of
learning |
10% |
Can integrate the texts into any discussion;
Demonstrates a long and thoughtful
consideration of the texts
Helps the class to come to a deeper
understanding of the content of the course |
Is joyful and excited about the exchange of
ideas in class |
= A 77-79 = C+
87-89 = B+ 70-76 = C
80-86 = B 60-69 =
It is the student's responsibility to read the Policies and Grading section
of the syllabus. See link above .
Unusual circumstances may necessitate a change in the syllabus and/or