Calendar of Events GBK/INT 101
Calendar of Events GBK/INT 101 Fall 2012
22 First day of class, set up writing and reading information, notebooks, etc.
27L Workshop on annotations and dailies
27 Iliad 1, 2, 3 Daily due
29 4, 5, 6 DailySept.
3 Labor Day
5 7, 8, 9 Daily10L Continued workshop on annotations, and how they lead to thesis and evidence
10 10, 11,12 Daily
12 13, 14, 15 Daily
14 Lecture in Willingham, 10:0015 AVID Training: time to be announced
17L Timeline and how it helps develop a thesis and provides evidence
17 16, 17, 18 Daily
19 19, 20, 21 Daily
21 Lecture in Willingham, 10:0024L Workshop on introductions and conclusions
24 22, 23, 24
26 Paper due; individual presentations on papersOct.
1L Paper feedback and group review
1 Final closing thoughts on the Iliad; prepare to shift
3 Odyssey 1, 2, 3, 4 Daily
8L Free
8 Library for presentation on annotated bibliographies
10 Library, develop an individual focus, select sources12L Lesson Perspective
12 5,6,7,8
15 9,10,11,12
17 Paper due: Contrast the perspectives of two different characters from the text.22L Annotations due
22 13, 14. 15, 16 Daily
24 17, 18, 19, 20 Daily29L Draft of Western Canon Paper due for peer editing
29 21, 22, 23, 24
31 Closing remarks on the Odyssey and shift to tragedies – Western Canon paper due.Nov.
5L Agamemnon with annotations
5 Libation Bearers
7 Eumenides12L Workshop on argument and perspective
12 Antigone
14 Thucydides19L Workshop on timeline and thesis development for final paper
19 Thucydides
21 Thucydides26L Draft of final paper with peer editing
26 Euthyphro by Plato
28 ApologyDec
3 Revisit the texts
5 Last day of classFinal paper due at our set final time.