TCO 341 Week Five june 18, 2012

19 June, 2012 9:15 PM by Dr. Susan Codone

Link to the Recorded Session for Monday, June 18, 2012

Objectives for Week 5 -- Feasibility Reports

1. Continue discussing the feasibility report.

2. Learn to create and deliver a powerful oral presentation.

3. Discuss user stories and their purpose in the proposal process.

lesson material

Tonight in our Webex discussion we will talk about the feasibility report assignment and how you are doing with researching and writing your reports.f

We will also learn new ways to think about designing and delivering PowerPoint presentations -- talking about the good and bad of PowerPoint, and specific strategies to use to make sure your message is received by listeners.

Finally, we will talk more about the proposal process and where you should be this week in regard to thinking and developing your proposal topic.

Here are documents that we will use in our Monday night discussion regarding feasibility reports:

Feasibility Report Assignment -- this explains everything

Feasibility Report Grading Rubric (pdf)
Feasiblility Report Grading Rubric (doc)

Feasibility Report Peer Review (doc)

Feasibility Report Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

Sample Feasibility Report

Sample Feasibility Report Presentation

Sample PowerPoint Presentation

How to Build a Great PowerPoint Presentation

Other Useful Links (free PowerPoint templates) (free PowerPoint templates) (free graphics)

We will also discuss the Introduction to the Proposal and user stories on Monday night.

REMEMBER -- Due Thursday, June 21 -- feasibility report draft to peer review partners, listed below

Feasibility Report Peer Review Partners -- switch papers with your partner and grade using the Feasibility Report Grading Rubric (listed above in Word format):

Kevin -- Dillon

Brad -- Mike

Rachel -- Kyanne

Rooshi -- Jacob

Emily -- Andrea

Brennen -- Wilson

James -- Dr. Codone (I will serve as your peer review partner)

Try to get your reviewed paper back to your partner no later than Saturday, because it is due final on Sunday. Use the track changes in Word to comment on the paper and use the grading rubric to give it a numerical score.

Proposal User Stories

User Stories -- Wikipedia

User Stories --

Our goal for each team's user stories is to have a brief paragraph developed by next Sunday, June 24. We will follow the example of "Who", "What", "Where" to build this paragraph and share it with MERC.

Due dates for this week:

Thursday, June 21: Draft feasibility report for peer review
Sunday, June 24: Final Feasibility Report
Sunday, June 24: User Story for each team
Monday, June 25: Feasibility Report Presentations



Course content copyright 2012 Susan Codone -- Mercer University School of Engineering -- Department of Technical Communication