TCO 341 Week FOUR june 11, 2012

12 June, 2012 7:48 PM by Dr. Susan Codone

Listen to the Week 4 Recorded Session from June 11

Objectives for Week 4 -- Feasibility Reports

1. Learn to write a three-part purpose statement.
2. Learn about the proposal process.
3. Learn about the proposal project for this summer.
4. Divide into groups and begin communicating about the proposal project.
5. Identify specific ways to write resumes & cover letters for specific employment opportunities.

lesson material

So far this semester we have learned how to write purpose statements, memos, a letter of intent, resumes, and cover letters. This week we'll begin a new topic -- Feasibility Reports.

Another word for feasibility is "practical". A feasibility report is a document that analyzes several solutions to a problem and then recommends the best solution.


Say, for example, that Mercer has received a large donation and wants to build a new building with the funds. The problem is that there are several competing needs for a new building, such as a new residence hall, a student center, and a new science building. A feasibility report would summarize research into the options and criteria for each choice, and then report a informal quantitative analysis that recommends which building to buy.

Here are documents that we will use in our Monday night discussion regarding feasibility reports:

Feasibility Report Assignment -- this explains everything

Sample Feasibility Report Proposal Memo

Feasibility Report Grading Rubric

Feasibility Report Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

Sample Feasibility Report

Sample Feasibility Report Presentation

We will cover the feasibility report in much more detail in Monday night's session, but take a moment and look at these documents if you have time.

We will also discuss the Introduction to the Proposal on Monday night.

REMEMBER -- Due Thursday, June 14 -- feasibility report proposal memo


Course content copyright 2012 Susan Codone -- Mercer University School of Engineering -- Department of Technical Communication