FTP Instructions

Your website files will reside on the engineering web server, known as egrweb. Using the ftp feature in Dreamweaver, you'll input the following information each time you use a computer in the lab. If you make a mistake, Dreamweaver will not successfully connect.

You are also free to use other FTP programs like Filezilla.

FTP Protocol

Your FTP host: egrweb.mercer.edu

Directory: /codone_s/tco285/spring2014/[your last name]/ (do not include the brackets)

Port: 2111

Login: merceru\[muid] (please make sure to use backslash, located above the enter key)

Password: [Mercer password] (same password for mercer live email. Default is yymmdd. Do not use the brackets.

For inquiries regarding password change, contact x2922)

You can FTP files from outside the lab using your personal copy of DW or any FTP application using the information above.