Dr. Thomas B. Slater 
Professor of New Testament
Thomas B. Slater is Professor of New Testament Language & Literature. He received his bachelor's degree from Arkansas Tech University and the Master of Theology (MTH=M.Div.) and the Doctor of Ministry degrees, respectively, from Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. King's College London, The University of London awarded him the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis), where he studied with Prof. Graham Stanton. His Ph.D. thesis, "Christ and Community," examined the sociological impact of the major images of Christ in the Apocalypse to John.
Before coming to McAfee, Slater worked at Jackson Theological Seminary in N. Little Rock, AR, Birkbeck College in London and the University of Georgia. At Jackson, he served as academic dean for two years and then dean for a year. Under his leadership Jackson received certification from the Arkansas Department of Higher Education to award its Master of Ecclesiastical Studies (a two-year degree), its Bachelor of Theological Studies and its Certificate in Theology. This was Jackson's historic first certification.
At the University of Georgia, he held dual appointments in Religion and African American Studies, teaching courses in New Testament studies and African American biblical interpretation. He also served as undergraduate advisor, graduate coordinator and chair of the departmental Academic Affairs committee. Between his time at Jackson and Georgia, he was an adjunct for Birkbeck College where he taught an introductory survey New Testament course. At McAfee he teaches introductory and advanced classes in New Testament. With Dr. Denise Massey, he also advises the Multicultural Student Association.
Dr. Slater has published and continues to publish in scholarly journals and venues around the world. His major areas of interest are Jewish and Christian apocalypticism written between 220 BCE and 200 CE and also deutero-Pauline writings (Colossians and Ephesians). His first book was a revision of his Ph.D. thesis and he is currently working on a commentary on Ephesians for Smyth and Helwys. Currently, he is working on three other projects: (1) an examination of Ephesians from an African American perspective; (2) the social setting of John's Apocalypse and (3) an examination of the Synoptic Son of Man sayings.
An ordained elder in full connection in the Georgia North Region of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Dr. Slater has pastored five congregations in Arkansas, Virginia and Georgia and been an associate pastor in four other congregations. He has also been a campus minister on five college campuses.