Mercer University CONTENTS Education Refereed
and Archival Publications Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, Civil Engineering, January 1980 - July 1983; Dissertation: Oxygen Transfer Studies in the Completely-Mixed Activated Sludge Process. M.E. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, Civil Engineering, August 1975 - December 1976. B.S. Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA, Civil Engineering, August 1971 - May 1975. Emeritus Professor Mercer University, July 2022.
Civil Engineering Startup Coordinator and Professor of Environmental and Civil Engineering. Mercer University, School of Engineering, Macon, GA, August 2017 to July 2022.. Plan and direct the development of civil engineering specialization within the School of Engineering at Mercer University.
Director of MSE/MS Programs and Professor of Environmental Engineering , Mercer University, School of Engineering, Macon, GA, July 2008 to August 2017. Provide leadership for the Graduate Engineering Program within the School of Engineering . Supervise Graduate Coordinator Administrative Assistant. Review applications and admit graduate students into the Master of Science in Engineering programs in Biomedical, Computer, Electrical, Engineering Management, Environmental, Mechanical, and Software Engineering and the Master of Science in Environmental Systems, Software Systems and Technical Management. Chairman of the Promotion and Tenure Committee from 2009-10. Professor and Program Director of Environmental Engineering , Mercer University , Department of Biomedical & Environmental Engineering, July 2005 – present. Provide leadership for the Environmental Engineering Program supervising three other full-time environmental engineering faculty. Engaged in outcome based assessment for upcoming 2007 ABET accreditation visit. Chairman of the Promotion and Tenure Committee from 2005-06 and 2006-07. See description below too.
Consulting Engineer, Hodges, Harbin, Newberry, and Tribble, Macon, Georgia, May – August 2001. Reviewed, modified, and prepared permit applications for sanitary landfills in NC and GA; developed the preliminary design of a spray field land treatment system for the Town of Gray, Georgia; and presented to seminars to the engineers: a 1.5 hour seminar on engineering ethics and 2.0 hour seminar on designing biological nutrient removal systems. Associate Professor and Program Director of Environmental Engineering & Environmental Systems, Mercer University, Department of Biomedical & Environmental Engineering, August 1998 – July 2005. Undergraduate courses taught: Water and Wastewater Treatment, Biological Wastewater Treatment, Engineering Hydrology, Solid Waste System Design, Senior Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Senior Seminar in Environmental Science, Introduction to Problem Solving, and Engineering Design Exhibits I and II. Advise undergraduate students in Environmental Engineering and direct the Environmental Engineering program. Served as freshman advisor during the 2000 – 01 and 2004 – 05 academic years. Evaluate credits for transfer students, prepare course and graduation audits. Chairman of faculty search committee: hired two Environmental faculty members. Faculty advisor to the Student Chapter Water Environment Federation. Mercer Engineering Research Advisory Board. Faculty representative for ASEE and Morris Udall Foundation Scholarship. Member of University Ministries Committee and Advising & Mentoring Subcommittee. Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, August 1992 - August 1998. Undergraduate courses taught: Statics, Fluid Mechanics, Water Quality and Treatment, Water Systems Design, Wastewater Systems Design, Unit Processes, Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Capstone Water and Wastewater Systems Design, and Foundations of Engineering, Graduate courses taught: Water Quality II for Engineers, Sludge Treatment and Disposal, and Industrial and Hazardous Waste. P.I. For Assessment of Nutrient Removal Systems in Florida. Senior Process Engineer, Black & Veatch, Tampa, Florida, January 1990 - August 1992. Prepared process design calculations for wastewater treatment plant expansions; performed alternative wastewater treatment process evaluations; prepared sludge estimates from secondary and BNR facilities; prepared SOQs and RFPs and made presentations at interviews; developed contracts with professionals, leading to two new projects for firm; served as consultant on numerous projects for other B&V regional offices; trained and supervised junior level engineers. Served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of South Florida for the 1990-1991 academic year. Project Engineer, CH2M Hill, Tampa and Gainesville, Florida, July 1986 - January 1990. Prepared SOQs and RFPs for civil/environmental projects; conducted H2S study for a major sewerage system; lead design engineer for biological wastewater treatment plant expansions; prepared water and wastewater master plans; designed water treatment plant sludge lagoons; designed force mains and pump stations; and modeled water and wastewater pipe networks. Served as an Adjunct Professor at Santa Fe Community College for the Spring semester 1989. Assistant Professor, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, August 1985 - June 1986. Taught Introduction to Engineering, Basic Programming, Fortran Programming, Fluid Mechanics, and Environmental Engineering. Completed two projects for the VMI Research Laboratories. Assistant Professor,
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, August 1983 - August 1985.
Undergraduate courses taught: Statics, Fluid Mechanics, Air pollution
Control, Societal Aspects of Environmental Engineering, Water Quality
and Treatment, Environmental Engineering Laboratory, and Wastewater Systems
Design. Graduate courses taught: Urban Wastewater Treatment Theory and
Design, Urban Water Treatment Theory and Design, and Water Quality for
Engineers II. Sanitary Engineer, William Matotan & Associates, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 1979 - November 1979. Prepared preliminary design and report for upgrading the Albuquerque Water Reclamation Plant No. 2; collected and analyzed data for treatment plant design; and prepared cost alternative evaluations. Instructor, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, August 1978 - June 1979. Taught Environmental Engineering I and II, Introduction to Engineering, Surveying, Surveying Lab, and Environmental Engineering Lab. Research Assistant, VMI Research Laboratories, Inc., Lexington, Virginia, June - August 1978. Collected data and prepared three navigability reports for the U.S. Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District. Supervised two student research assistants. Instructor, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, August 1977 - May 1978. Taught Introduction to Engineering, Basic and Fortran Programming, Hydraulic Engineering, Environmental Engineering I and II, and Environmental Engineering Laboratory. Second Lieutenant, U.S. Air Force, Byrd Field, Sandston, Virginia, February - May 1977. Prepared design of fuel stand modification; performed QC of installation of new hangar; supervised installation of sanitary sewer; prepared site plans. American Society of Civil Engineers/Environmental and Water Resources Institute Fellow Environmental and Water Resources Institute: May 2013 Fellow American Society of Civil Engineers: January 2007 Vice-chair Residuals Committee: October 2006 to October 2008 Secretary of Residuals Committee: October 2004 to October 2006 Residuals Committee:
June 1999 to May 2010. Georgia Association of Water Professionals Wastewater
Treatment Committee, August 2005 to September 2006 First-Hand: History of an ASEE Fellow-Richard O. Mines, Jr., June 2018 Fellow American Society for Engineering Education: April 2015 ASEE Meriam-Wiley Award Committee Member: June 2009 to June 2010 Chair- Administrative Division, SE Section Section of ASEE: April 2007-2008 Secretary- Administrative Division, SE Section Section of ASEE: April 2006-2007 Past-President- Southeastern
Section of ASEE: April 2003-2004 2022 Georgia NSPE Engineer of the Year 2011 Tony Tilmans Section Service Award (ASEE Southeastern Section) 2010 Mercer on Mission to Malawi, Africa Fellow 2008 Mercer University Commons Fellow 2008 Evaluator of Tennessee Tech Masters Program in Civil & Environmental Engineering 2007 Bath County Virginia Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee 2003-04 Outstanding ASEE Zone II Campus Representative Award 2003-04 Outstanding ASEE Campus Rep Award for Southeastern Section 2002-03 Outstanding ASEE Zone
II Campus Representative Award 2002 Baylor University Faith
in Vocations Fellow REGISTRATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS Registered Professional Engineer
in New Mexico (7329)
1. Environmental Engineering: Principles and Practice, Richard O. Mines, Jr., Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-1-118-80145-1, April 2014.
2. Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Richard O. Mines and Laura W. Lackey, Pearson-Prentice Hall, ISBN 10: 0-13-234747-4, February 2009. REFEREED AND ARCHIVAL PUBLICATIONS 1. Novak, J. T., Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Activated Sludge Processes and Effluent Standards”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 55, 332-335 (1983). 2. Sherrard, J. H., Mines, R. O., Alleman, J. E. and Kennedy, M. S., “Activated Sludge, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 55, 615-622 (1983). 3. Alleman, J. E., Kennedy, M. S., Mines, R. O., Weber, A. S. and Sherrard, J. H., “Activated Sludge”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 56, 568-577 (1984). 4. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Effect of Oxygen Requirements on the Stoichiometry of Activated Sludge”, Journal, Civil Engineering Design, 3, 717-728 (1984). 5. Weber, A. S., Russell, E. K., Alleman, J. E., Sherrard, J. H., Mines, R. O. and Kennedy, M. S., “Activated Sludge”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 57, 517-526 (1985). 6. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Evaluating and Utilizing Biokinetic Constants in Activated Sludge”, Water, Air, Soil Pollution, 27, 323-328 (1986). 7. Alleman, J. E., Russell, E. K., Sherrard, J. H., Kennedy, M. S., Weber, A. S. and Mines, R. O., “Activated Sludge”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 58, 490-498 (1986). 8. Chandra, S., Mines, R. O., and Sherrard, J. H., “Evaluation of Oxygen Uptake Rate as an Activated Sludge Process Control Parameter”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 59, 1009-1016 (1987). 9. Kennedy, M. S., Mines, R. O., Silverstein, J., Sherrard, J. H. and Weber, A. S., “Activated Sludge”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 59, 388-395 (1987). 10. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Biological Enhancement of Oxygen Transfer in the Activated Sludge Process”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 59, 19-24 (1987). 11. Weber, A. S., Silverstein, J., Sherrard, J. H., Mines, R. O., an Kennedy, M. S., “Activated Sludge”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 60, 816-824 (1988). 12. Mines, R. O., Silverstein, J., Sherrard, J. H., Kennedy, M. S. and Weber, A. S., “Activated Sludge”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 61, 799-807 (1989). 13. Silverstein, J., Mines, R. O., Sherrard, J. H., Weber, A. S. and Aitken, M.D., “Activated Sludge”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 62, 389-406 (1990). 14. Aitken, M. D., Heck, P. E., Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Activated Sludge”, Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, 63, 376-388 (1991). 15. Aitken, M. D., Heck, P. E., Mines, R. O., and Sherrard, J. H., “Activated Sludge”, Research Journal, Water Environment Federation, 64, 347-358 (1992). 16. Mines, R. O., “Wastewater Collection Systems”, Water Environment Research, 66, 303-305 (1994). 17. Mines, R. O. and Catanzarita, J., “Wastewater Collection Systems”, Water Environment Research, 67, 411-414 (1995). 18. Mines, R. O., “Wastewater Collection Systems”, Water Environment Research, 68, 421-423, and (1996). 19. Mines, Jr., Richard O., “Assessment of AWT Systems in the Tampa Bay Metropolitan Area”, Journal Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, 122, 605-611, (1996). 20. Mines, Jr., R. O., and Thomas, IV, William C., “Biological Nutrient Removal Using the VIP Process”, Journal Environmental Science and Health, A31 (10), 2557-2575, (1996). 21. Mines, Jr., R. O., “Design and Modeling of Post-Denitrification Single-Sludge Activated Sludge Processes”, Journal Water Air Soil Pollution, 100, (1-2) 79-88, (1997). 22. Mines, R. O. and Mohamed, S. Rayman, “Oxygen Uptake Rate at the Valrico Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant”, Advances in Environmental Research, 1(2) 166-177 (1997). 23. Mines, Jr., R. O., “Nutrient Removal Using a Modified Pure Oxygen Activated Sludge Process”, Advances in Environmental Research, 1 (1) 15-26 (1997). 24. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Sherrard, Joseph H., “Biological Treatment of A High Strength Nitrogenous Wastewater”, Journal Environmental Science and Health, A32 (5), 1353-1375, (1997). 25. Nixon, T. P. and Mines, R. O., “Wastewater Collection Systems”, Water Environment Research, 69, 423-426 (1997). 26. Mines, Jr., R. O., “Design and Modeling of 4-Stage Single-Sludge Systems”, Advances in Environmental Research, 1(3) 323-332 (1997). 27. Mines, Jr., R. O., “Design and Modeling of Pre-Denitrification Single-Sludge Activated Sludge Processes”, Journal Environmental Science and Health, A33 (1), 111-128 (1998). 28. Mines, R. O., McClintock, S. A., and Chen, J., “Chapter 7: Nitrogen Removal and Design of Combined Nitrification and Denitrification Processes”, Biological and Chemical Systems for Nutrient Removal, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA (1998), pages 135-191. 29. Mines, R. O. and Nixon, T. P., “Wastewater Collection Systems”, Water Environment Research, 70, 429-433 (1998). 30. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Milton, G. Dean, “Bionutrient Removal with A Sequencing Batch Reactor”, Journal Water Air Soil Pollution, 197, 81-89 (1998). 31. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Temperature Interactions in the Activated Sludge Process”, Journal Environmental Science and Health, A34(2), 329-340 (1999). 32. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Vilagos, Jeffrey L., Echelberger, Jr., Wayne F., and Murphy, R. Jerry, “Conventional and AWT Mixed-Liquor Settling Characteristics”, Journal Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, 127, 249-258, (2001). 33. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Vilagos, Jeffrey L., Echelberger, Jr., Wayne F., and Murphy, R. Jerry, “Closure to: Conventional and AWT Mixed-Liquor Settling Characteristics”, Journal Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, 128 (10), 1009-1011, (2002).
35. Mines, Jr., R. O., Behrend, G., and Bell , H.G., “Assessment of AWT Systems in the Metro Atlanta Area”, Journal of Environmental Management, 70 , 309-314, (2004). 36. Mines, Jr., Richard, Lackey, Laura, and Behrend, Glen, “The Impact of Flow and Loading on Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance”. Journal Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, published on-line, 8 August 2006, DOI: 10.1007/s11270-006-9220-0. 37. Lackey, Laura W., Mines, Jr., Richard O., and McCreanor, Philip T., “Ozonation of Acid Yellow Dye 17 Dye in a Semi-Batch Bubble Column, Journal of Hazardous Materials, B138, 357-362 (2006). 38. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Lackey, Laura W., and Behrend, Glen R., “Performance Assessment of Major Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) in the State of Georgia” , Journal Environmental Science and Health, 41(10) 2175-2198 (2006). 39. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Northenor, C. Brett, and Murchison, Mitchell, “Oxidation and Ozonation of Waste Activated Sludge”, Journal Environmental Science and Health , Part A, 43(6) 610-618 (2008).
40. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Lackey, Laura W., “Bench-Scale Ozonation Study of Waste Activated Sludge”, Journal Environmental Science and Health , Part A. It is scheduled for Vol. A44, No. 1 (2009). 41. Lackey, Laura W. and Mines, Jr., Richard O., “Comparing Two Empirical Models used to Predict Process Parameter Dynamics during Ozonation of Synthetic Dye Wastewater, Journal Environmental Science and Health , Part A. It is scheduled for Vol. A44, No. 2 (2009).
42. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Callier, Matthew C.; Drabek, Benjamin J., and Butler, Andre’ J., “ Comparison of Oxygen Transfer Parameters and Oxygen Demands in Bioreactors Operated at Low and High Dissolved Oxygen Levels”, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, Pages 1-9 | Received 29 Jul 2016, Accepted 13 Oct 2016, Published online: 07 Dec 2016.
43. Mines, Jr., Richard O.., "Oxygen Transfer Parameters and Oxygen Uptake Rates Revisited”, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, Pages | Received 13 Sep 2019, Accepted 13 Nov 2019, Published online: 28 Nov 2019.
44. Mines, Richard O., and Butler, Andre', "Process Analysis of Nutrient and Non-Nutrient Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFS)", Environmental Engineering and Management Journa., Vol. 22, No. 7, July 2023, 1197-1208.
1. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Activated Sludge Treatment of a High Strength Nitrogenous Waste”, Proceedings, 40th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Butterworth Publishers, 837-846 (1985). 2. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Oxygen Transfer Studies in Activated Sludge”, Proceedings, 1985 Environmental Engineering Specialty Conference. ASCE, 523-530 (1985). 3. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Stoichiometric Modeling of the Activated Sludge”, Proceedings, 1986 ENVIROSOFT Conference, Computational Mechanics Institute, 35-46 (1986). 4. Chandra, S., Sherrard, J. H. and Mines, R. O., “Evaluation of Oxygen Uptake Rate As An Activated Sludge Process Control Parameter”, Proceedings 19th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, 51 (1987). 5. Mines, R. O., Smith, D. G., Dahl, B. W., and Holcomb, S. P., “Bionutrient Removal Using a Modified Pure Oxygen Activated Sludge Process”, Proceedings: 1992 WEF Conference, New Orleans, LA, Pages 355-366. 6. Mines, R. O. and Woods, C. W., “Assessment of BNR Systems in Florida”, Proceedings: 1994 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Boulder, CO, pages 436-443. 7. Mines, R. O., “Distance Education: Is it Right for Engineering?”, Proceedings: 1995 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Biloxi, MS, pages 130 - 133. 8. Mines, R. O. and Murphy, R. J., “Distance Education: A Comparison to In-Class Performance”, Proceedings, 1995, National ASEE Conference, Anaheim, CA, pages 1208-1211. 9. Mines, R. O., “Distance Education: A Comparison Between On-Campus and Off-Campus Student Evaluations of Faculty”, Proceedings: 1996 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Gatlinburg, TN, pages 161-165. 10 Mines, R. O., “Does Teaching Distance Education Courses Affect Teaching Evaluations”, Proceedings: 1996 Air & Waste Management Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, pages. 1-11. 11. Mines, Jr., Richard O., “A Comparative Analysis of On-Campus Engineering Students versus Off-campus Distance Education Students”, Proceedings: 1997 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Marietta, GA, pages 24-27. 12. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Oxygen Transfer in the Completely Mixed Activated Sludge Process Revisited”, Proceedings: 1997 CSCE/ASCE Environmental Engineering Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, July 22-26, 1997, pages 1381-1392. 13. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and
Robertson, Robert R., “Biological Treatment of a Seafood Processing
Wastewater”, ASCE 1998 National Conference on Environmental Engineering,
Chicago, IL, June 14. Gill, Julia, Mines, Jr., R. O., Sherrard, J. H. and Tucker, D. P., “Dengue Fever: Potential Threat to the Southern States”, ASCE 1998 National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Chicago, IL, June 6-10, 1998, 482-487. 15. Mines, R. O., “Observations of Using Web Page Software to Enhance Learning”, Proceedings: 1999 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Clemson, SC, CD ROM, 1-6. 16. Mines, Jr., R. O., and Sherrard, J. H., “Effect of Sole Nitrogen and Temperature on Activated Sludge”, Proceedings of the ASCE - CSCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, July 25-28, 1999, Norfolk, VA, 777-785. 17. Mines, Jr., R. O., and Kalch, R. S., “Sludge Minimization Using Aerobic/Anoxic Treatment Technology”, Proceedings of the ASCE - CSCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, July 25-28, 1999, Norfolk, VA, 506-515. 18. Mines, R. O., “An Environmental Engineering Curriculum for the New Millennium”, Proceedings 2000 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Roanoke, VA, CD ROM. 18. Mines, Jr., R. O. and Vilagos, J. L., “AWT & Conventional Mixed Liquor Settling Velocities”, Proceedings of the ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, July 23-26, 2000, Kansas City, MO, 437-446. 19. Mines, R. O., “PowerPoint Presentations: Do They Really Work?”, Proceedings: 2001 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Charleston, SC, CD ROM. 20. Mines, Jr., Richard. O., “Designing Single-Sludge Bionutrient Removal Systems”, Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 20-24, 2001, Orlando, FL. 21. Mines, Jr., Richard. O., “Do PowerPoint Presentations Really Work?”, Proceedings of the National ASEE Conference, June 23-27, 2001, Albuquerque, NM. 22. Mines, Jr., Richard O., “Strategies for Enhancing Learning in the Classroom”, Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, April 7-9, 2002, Gainesville, FL. 23. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Powell, Janet Carlson, and Lackey, Laura W. “Encouraging High School Students to Learn About Bioremediation”, Proceedings of the National ASEE Conference, June 16-19, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 24. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Powell, Janet Carlson, and Lackey, Laura W. “Encouraging High School Students to Learn About Bioremediation”, Proceedings of the National ASEE Conference, June 16-19, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 25. Lackey, Laura W., Mines, Richard O., McCreanor, Philip T., and Butler, Andre’ J. “Retooling the Environmental Engineering Laboratory Capstone Experience for ABET 2000”, Proceedings of the National ASEE Conference, June 16-19, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 26. Mines, R. O., Lackey, L.W., Whiteman, R., Eden, J.N., Wilson, C.P., Cooper, J.A., and Pellos, R. A., “Sludge Minimization Achieved Through Grinding and Reaeration”, Proceedings CSCE/EWRI of ASCE Environmental Engineering Conference, July 21-24, 2002, Niagara Falls, Canada. 27. Mines, Jr., R. O. and Cochran,
R., “Are Land Application Programs in Georgia Complying with the
Part 503 Regs?”, Proceedings of the 2003 World Water and Environmental
Resources Congress, June 23-26, 2003, Philadelphia, PA. 29. Lackey, L. W. and Mines, Jr., R. O., “Ozone Treatment of Acid Yellow Dye 17”, Proceedings of the 2004 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress , June 27-July 1, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah.
30. Mines, Jr., R. O and Horn, C. R., “Misconceptions About Unstirred SVI”, Proceedings of the 2004 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress , June 27-July 1, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah. 31. Sheppard, J., Mines, R. O., Behrend, G. H., and Lackey, L.W., “BOD Performance Correlation at Georgia's WWTP”, Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress , May 22-26, 2005, Anchorage, Alaska.
32. Lackey, L.W. and Mines, R. O., “Modeling the Effect of Ozonation on Acid Yellow 17 Dye in a Semi-batch Bubble Column”, Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress , May 22-26, 2005, Anchorage , Alaska .
33. Lackey, Laura. W., Mines, Richard. O., and Jenkins, Hodge E., “Engineering Student Self-Assessment in a Capstone Design Course,” Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference , April 2-4, 2006, Tuscaloosa , AL .
34. Mines, Jr., R.O., Lackey, L. W., and A.J. Butler, “Bench-scale Digestion Studies,” Proceedings of the 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress , May 21-25, 2006, Omaha, Nebraska. 35. Mines, Jr., Richard O. , Lackey, Laura, W., and Behrend, Glen, R. (2007) The Impact of Rainfall on Flows and Loadings at Georgia's Wastewater Treatment Plants, Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference , March 27-29, 2007, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. 36. Mines, Jr., R.O., Lackey, L.W., Murchison, M.B., and Northenor, C.B., "Parallel Bench-Scale Digestion Studies," Proceedings of the 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress , May 15-19, 2007, Tampa, Florida. 37. Mines, Jr., Richard. O., Lackey, Laura, W., and Tribble, David, “Bench-Scale Ozonation of Waste Activated Sludge, Proceedings of the 2008 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress , May 12-16, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii. 38. Lackey, Laura W., Jenkins, Hodge E., Mines, Jr. Richard. O., and. Schultz, Scott R., “Utilizing Senior Capstone Design as an Instrument for Student and Faculty Assessment of Program Outcomes,” Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference , April 5-7, 2009, Marietta , GA. 39. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Oglesby, Cary M., and Lackey, Laura W., “Bench-Scale Ozonation of Raw Industrial and Municipal Wastewater,” Proceedings of the 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 17-21, 2008, Kansas City , Missouri. 40. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Lofton, Greg, “Demographics and Diversity of Mercer University's Graduate Engineering Programs,” Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference , April 18-20, 2010, Blacksburg, VA. 41. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Mines, Beth P., "Integrating Digital Storytelling into an Engineering Design Course," Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference , April 10-12, 2011, Charleston, SC. 42. Mines, Jr., R.O., Vokhiwa, Z.M., Harshbarger, R., and McMahan, C.T., Mercer On Mission to Malawi, Africa, Proceedings World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability , May 12-24, 2011, Palm Springs, CA, 4223-4231. 43. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Burtner, Joan M.., "A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Peer Ratings in Engineering Design Teams," Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference , March 10-12, 2013, Cookeville, TN. 44. Lackey, Laura, Smith, Cassie, Poole, Timothy, Fair, Arneshia, Hyde, Elizabeth, McCreanor, Philip, and Mines, Richard. “Design, Operation, and Analysis of a Biological Sand Filter using Copper as a Disinfectant,” Proceedings World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Show Casing the Future , May 19-23, 2012, Cincinnati, OH. 45. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Burtner, Joan M., “A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Peer Ratings in Engineering Design Teams,” Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, March 10-12, 2013.
46. Mines, Jr., Richard O., “The Impact of Testing Frequency and Final Exams on Student Performance,” Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, March 30-April1, 2014.
47. Bremm, T., Rossati, B., Viveiros, J., Fernandes, L., Braga, T., Schmidt, T. And Mines, Jr., R. O., “Oxygen Transfer Studies in the Activated Sludge Process,” Proceedings World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Critical Infrastructure Needs: Water and the Environment, May 22-26, 2016, West Palm Beach, FL, 380-387. doi: 10.1061/9780784479889.040.
48. Mines, Jr., Richard O., “Observations on Using the Flipped Classroom Model in an Introduction to Environmental Engineering Course,” Proceedings 2017 ASEE Zone 2 Spring Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2-5, 2017.
49. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Avrithi, Kleio, and Cardelino, Natalia, “Startup of a New Civil Engineering Program at Mercer University, “Proceedings 2019 ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, March 10-12, 2019, N.C. State University, North Carolina. 50. Rexhausen, Victoria C., Dietsch, Jon M., Moore, Tyre H., and Mines, Jr., Richard O., “Residential Anaerobic Digester: Recommendations for Food Waste to Methane,” Proceedings 2019 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Groundwater, Sustainability, Hydro-Climate/Climate Change, and Environmental Engineering, May 19-23, 2019, Pittsburgh, PA, pp 417-423. 51. Mines, Jr., Richard O., “Reflections about Using a Hybrid Inverted Classroom in a Sophomore Environmental Engineering Course,” Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Conference, March 8-10, 2020, Auburn, Alabama, http://aub.ie/asee-se-2020. 1. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Biokinetic Constants in Activated Sludge”, Encyclopedia of Environmental Control, Vol. 3, Chapter 7, Gulf Publishing (July 1989), pages 203-228. 2. Mines, R. O. and Smith, D. G., “Innovative Biological Nutrient Removal Facilities”, Proceedings, Water Resources Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 6-10, 1990, pages 64-68. 3. Mines, R. O., Cummings, T., Gagnon, R., and Zimmerman, S., “Filter Rerating”, Florida Water Resources Journal, 44, 23 (1992). 4. Mines, R. O., Smith, D. G., Dahl, B. W., and Holcomb, S. P., “Bionutrient Removal Using A Modified Pure oxygen Activated Sludge Process”, Proceedings: 1992 Florida Water Resources Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida, pages 35-39. 5. Mines, R. O. and Woods, C. W., “Assessment of Nutrient Removal Systems in Florida”, Proceedings: 1993 Florida Water Resources Conference, Orlando, Florida, pages 71-75. 6. Mines, R. O., Smith, D. G., Dahl, B. W., and Holcomb, S. P., “Nutrient Removal Using A Modified Pure Oxygen Process”, Florida Water Resources Journal, 45, 36-37, 41 (1993). 7. Mines, R. O., and Sherrard, J. H., “Alternative Methods for Calculating Oxygen Requirements in Activated Sludge”, Proceedings: 1994 Florida Water Resources Conference, Tampa, FL, pages 385-389. 8. Mohamed, S. R. and Mines, R. O., “Oxygen Uptake Rate and Plant Performance at the Valrico Wastewater Treatment Plant”, Proceedings: 1994 Florida Water Resources Conferences, Tampa, FL, pages 333-337. 9. Thomas, W. C., Mines, R. O. and Meyer, J., “Bionutrient Removal Using the VIP Process”, Proceedings: 1995 Florida Water Resources Conference, Jacksonville, FL, pages 194-198. 10. Milton, G. D. and Mines, R. O., “Biological Nutrient Removal in a Sequencing Batch Reactor”, Proceedings: 1996 Florida Water Resources Conference, Ft. Myers, FL, pages 301-306. 11. Mines, R. O., “Design and Modeling of Post-Denitrification Single-Sludge Activated Sludge Processes”, Proceedings: 1996 Florida Water Resources Conference, Ft. Myers, FL, pages 195-200.
1. Van Auken, T., Knapp, J. W. and Mines, R. O., “Report on Navigation of the Blackwater River for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District”, VMI Research Laboratories, Inc., Lexington, VA (1978), pages 1-34. 2. Van Auken, T., Mines, R. O. and Knapp, J. W., “Report on Navigation of the Notoway River for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District”, VMI Research Laboratories, Inc., Lexington, VA (1978), pages 1-62. 3. Mines, R. O., Van Auken, T. and Knapp, J. W., “Report on Navigation of the Meherrin River for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District”, VMI Research Laboratories, Inc., Lexington, VA (1978), pages 1-61. 4. Chandra, S., Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Evaluation of Oxygen Uptake Rate as an Activated Sludge Process Control Parameter”, Engineering Foundation Grant RI-A-85-3, VMI Research Laboratories, Inc., Lexington, Virginia, January 14, 1987, pages 1-65. 5. Mines, R. O., Assessment of Water Corrosivity in the Temple Terrace Water Distribution System, City of Temple Terrace, FL, February 1997, pages 1-6. 6. Mines, R. O., Evaluation of the Micronair Residuals Management System, Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jernigan, March 1997, pages 1-7. 7. Mines, R. O., Testing Protocol for the Demilitarization System at the Eglin AFB HERD Facility; U.S. Air Force, Eglin AFB, Florida, August 1997, pages 49-1 to 49-15. 8. Mines, R. O., Assessment of Water Corrosivity in the Temple Terrace Water Distribution Network Phase I-B”, City of Temple Terrace, Florida; July 1, 1997 - September 23, 1997, pages 1-27. 1. Mines, R. O., “Stormwater Runoff from Urbanized Areas”, presented by R. O. Mines at the Virginia AWWA Conference, October 13, 1978, Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, VA. 2. Mines, R.O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Oxygen Transfer and Requirements in the Completely-Mixed Activated Sludge Process”, presented by R. O. Mines at the International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, Cornell University, June 13-15, 1983, Ithaca, NY. 3. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Activated Sludge Treatment of a High Strength Nitrogenous Waste”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 40th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, May 14-16, 1985. 4. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard,
J. H., “Oxygen Transfer Studies in Activated Sludge”, presented
by 5. Mines, R. O., “Oxygen Transfer in Activated Sludge”, Seminar at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, October 3, 1985. 6. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Biological Enhancement of Oxygen Transfer in the Activated Sludge Process”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 58th Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Kansas City, MO, October 7-10, 1985. 7. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Stoichiometric Modeling of Activated Sludge”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1986 ENVIROSOFT Conference, Le Meridien, Newport Beach, CA. 8. Mines, R. O., Shulmister, D. and Welch, A. W., “Prevention and Control of H2S Generation in the St. Petersburg Sewerage System”, present by R. O. Mines at the 1987 Florida Section ASCE Conference, October 1-3, 1987, Jacksonville, Florida. 9. Mines, R. O. and Smith, , D. G., “Innovative Biological Nutrient Removal Facilities”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1990 Water Resources Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 6-10, 1990. 10. Long, B. W. and Mines, R. O., “Disinfection Byproducts: What Is a Utility to Do?”, presented by R. O. Mines at the AWWA Update SDWA Amendment Seminar, February 28, 1991, Jacksonville, Florida. 11. Mines, R. O., Smith, D. G., Dahl, B. W., and Holcomb, S. P., “Bionutrient Removal Using a Modified Pure Oxygen Activated Sludge Process”, presented by S. P. Holcomb and R. O. Mines at the 1992 Florida Water Resources Conference, November 1-4, 1992, Daytona Beach, Florida. 12. Mines, R. O., “Wastewater Technology in Florida”, presented to Florida/China Linkage Institute, July 21, 1993. 13. Mines, R. O., “Biological Nutrient Removal Systems”, invited speaker for the Quarterly Meeting Florida Water Environment Association, June 1, 1994, Tampa, Fl. 14. Mines, R. O., “BNR Systems”, 1.5 hour seminar presented to the City of Dunedin, June 23, 1994. 15. Mines, R. O., “Nutrient Removal From Wastewater”, 2.0 hour course presented at Annual Florida Water Pollution Control Operators Association short school, Clearwater High School, June 23, 1994. 16. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Alternative Methods for Calculating Oxygen Requirements in Activated Sludge’, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1994 Florida Water Resources Conference, August 28-31, 1994, Tampa, Florida. 17. Mines, R. O., “Distance Education: Is It Right for Engineering?”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1995 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Biloxi, MS, April 9-11, 1995. 18. Mines, R. O. and Murphy, R. J., “Distance Education: A Comparison to In-Class Performance”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1995 National ASEE Conference, Anaheim, CA, June, 1995. 19. Mines, R. O., “Distance Education: A Comparison Between On-Campus and Off-Campus Student Evaluations of Faculty”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1996 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Gatlinburg, TN, April 14-16, 1996. 20. Mines, R. O., “Design and Modeling of Post-Denitrification Single-Sludge Activated Sludge Processes”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1996 Florida Water Resources Conference, May 5-8, 1996, Ft. Myers, FL. 21. Mines, R. O., “Does Teaching Distance Education Courses Affect Teaching Evaluations”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1996 Air & Waste Management Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, June 23-28, 1996. 22. Mines, R. O., “A Comparative Analysis of On-Campus Engineering Students versus Off-campus Distance Education Students”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1997 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Marietta, GA. 23. Mines, R. O. and Sherrard, J. H., “Oxygen Transfer in the Completely Mixed Activated Sludge Process Revisited”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1997 CSCE/ASCE Environmental Engineering Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, July 22-26, 1997. 24. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Robertson, II., Robert R., “Biological Treatment of a Seafood Processing Wastewater”, presented by R. O. Mines, Jr. at the 1998 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Chicago, IL, June 10, 1998. 25. Gill, J., Mines, R. O., Sherrard, H. H., and Tucker, D. P., “Dengue Fever: Potential Threat to the Southern United States”, presented by Julia Gill at the 1998 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Chicago, IL, June 10, 1998. 26. Sherrard, J. H. and Mines, R. O., “Temperature Effects on the Activated Sludge Process”, presented by J.H. Sherrard at the 43rd Great Plains Waste Management Conference, March 24-25, 1999, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE. 27. Mines, R. O., “Observations of Using Web Page Software to Enhance Learning”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 1999 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Clemson, SC. 28. Sherrard, J.H. and Mines, R.O., “Operational Concepts for Aerobic Biological Processes”, presented by J.H. Sherrard at the 31st Mid-Atlantic Waste Conference, June 20-23, 1999, University of Connecticut. 29. Mines, Jr., R. O., and Sherrard, J. H., “Effect of Sole Nitrogen and Temperature on Activated Sludge”, presented by R. O. Mines at the ASCE - CSCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, July 25-28, 1999, Norfolk, VA. 30. Mines, Jr., R. O., and Kalch, R. S., “Sludge Minimization Using Aerobic/Anoxic Treatment Technology”, presented by R. O. Mines at the ASCE - CSCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, July 25-28, 1999, Norfolk, VA. 31. Mines, R. O., “An Environmental Engineering Curriculum for the New Millennium”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 2000 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Roanoke, VA. 32. Mines, Jr., R. O. and Vilagos, J. L., “AWT & Conventional Mixed Liquor Settling Velocities”, presented by R. O. Mines at the ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, July 23-26, 2000, Kansas City, MO. 33. Mines, R. O., “PowerPoint Presentations: Do They Really Work?”, presented by R. O. Mines at the 2001 ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, Charleston, SC. 34. Mines, Jr., Richard. O., “Designing Single-Sludge Bionutrient Removal Systems” presented by R. O. Mines at the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 20-24, 2001, Orlando, FL. 35. Mines, Jr., Richard. O., “Do PowerPoint Presentations Really Work?”, poster presentation by R. O. Mines at the National ASEE Conference, June 23-27, 2001, Albuquerque, NM. 36. Mines, R. O., “Engineering Ethics”, 1.5 hour seminar presented to the Hodges, Harbin, Newberry, and Tribble, Inc., July 7, 2001. 37. Mines, R. O., “Designing Bionutrient Removal Systems”, 2.0 hour seminar presented to the Hodges, Harbin, Newberry, and Tribble, Inc., July 30, 2001. 38. Mines, Jr., Richard O., “Strategies for Enhancing Learning in the Classroom”, Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, April 7-9, 2002, Gainesville, FL, podium presentation by R. O. Mines. 39. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Powell, Janet Carlson, and Lackey, Laura W. “Encouraging High School Students to Learn About Bioremediation”, Proceedings of the National ASEE Conference, June 16-19, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, podium presentation by R. O. Mines. 40. Mines, R. O., Lackey, L.W., Whiteman, R., Eden, J.N., Wilson, C.P., Cooper, J.A., and Pellos, R. A., “Sludge Minimization Achieved Through Grinding and Reaeration”, Proceedings CSCE/EWRI of ASCE Environmental Engineering Conference, July 21-24, 2002, Niagara Falls, Canada, podium presentation by R. O. Mines.
44. Lackey, L. W. and Mines, Jr., R. O., “Ozone Treatment of Acid Yellow Dye 17”, Proceedings of the 2004 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress , June 27-July 1, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah, podium presentation by R. O. Mines, July 1, 2004. 45. Mines, Jr., R. O and Horn, C. R., “Misconceptions About Unstirred SVI”, Proceedings of the 2004 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress , June 27-July 1, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah, poster presentation by R. O. Mines, July 1, 2004. 46. Sheppard, J., Mines, R. O., Behrend, G. H., and Lackey, L.W., “BOD Performance Correlation at Georgia's WWTP”, Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress , May 22-26, 2005, Anchorage, Alaska, podium presentation by R. O. Mines, May 25, 2005. 47. Lackey, Laura. W., Mines, Richard. O., and Jenkins, Hodge E., “Engineering Student Self-Assessment in a Capstone Design Course,” Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference , April 2-4, 2006, Tuscaloosa , AL , podium presentation by R. O. Mines, April 3, 2006. 48. Mines, Jr., R.O., Lackey, L. W., and A.J. Butler, “Bench-scale Digestion Studies,” Proceedings of the 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress , May 21-25, 2006, Omaha, Nebraska, podium presentation by R. O. Mines, May 24, 2006. 49. Mines, Jr., Richard O., “Water Treatment Operations and Processes”, 6-hour Environmental Engineering Professional Engineering Exam Review, North Carolina State University , June 17, 2006. 50. Mines, Jr., Richard O. , Lackey, Laura, W., and Behrend, Glen, R. (2007) The Impact of Rainfall on Flows and Loadings at Georgia's Wastewater Treatment Plants, Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference , March 27-29, 2007, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, podium presentation by Glen R. Behrend March 29, 2007. 51. Mines, Jr., R.O., Lackey, L.W., Murchison, M.B., and Northenor, C.B., "Parallel Bench-Scale Digestion Studies," Proceedings of the 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 15-19, 2007, Tampa, Florida, podium presentation by Richard O. Mines, May 16, 2007. 52. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Oglesby, Cary M., and Lackey, Laura W, "Bench-Scale Ozonation of Raw Industrial and Municipal Wastewater," Proceedings 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress , May 17-21, 2009, Kansas City, MO, poster presentation by Richard O. Mines, Jr. and Cary M. Oglesby, May 20, 2009, 5 to 6:30 pm.
53. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Lofton, Greg, “Demographics and Diversity of Mercer University's Graduate Engineering Programs,” Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference , April 18-20, 2010, Blacksburg, VA, podium presentation by Richard O. Mines, Jr, April 19, 2010, 10:40am. 54. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Mines, Beth P., "Integrating Digital Storytelling into an Engineering Design Course," Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference , April 10-12, 2011, Charleston, SC, podium presentation by Richard O. Mines, Jr, April 11, 2011, 11am. 55. Mines, Jr., R.O., Vokhiwa, Z.M. , Harshbarger, R., and McMahan, C.T., Mercer On Mission to Malawi, Africa, Proceedings World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability , May 12-24, 2011, Palm Springs, CA, 4223-4231; poster presentation by R. O. Mines, Jr., May 23, 2011, 5:30 to 7:30 pm. 56. Mines, Jr., Richard O. and Burtner, Joan M.., "A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Peer Ratings in Engineering Design Teams," Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference , March 10-12, 2013, Cookeville, TN, podium presentation by Richard O. Mines, Jr., March 12, 2013 at 10:25 am. 57. Lackey, Laura, Smith, Cassie, Poole, Timothy, Fair, Arneshia, Hyde, Elizabeth, McCreanor, Philip, and Mines, Richard. “Design, Operation, and Analysis of a Biological Sand Filter using Copper as a Disinfectant,” Proceedings World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Show Casing the Future , May 19-23, 2012, Cincinnati, OH, poster presentation by R. O. Mines, Jr., May 19, 2013, 7 pm.
58.Mines, Jr., Richard O., “The Impact of Testing Frequency and Final Exams on Student Performance,” Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, March 30-April1, 2014; podium presentation by R. O. Mines, Jr., March 31, 2014, 10:20 to 10:40 am.
59.Bremm, T., Rossati, B., Viveiros, J., Fernandes, L., Braga, T., Schmidt, T. And Mines, Jr., R. O., “Oxygen Transfer Studies in the Activated Sludge Process,” Proceedings World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Critical Infrastructure Needs: Water and the Environment, May 22-26, 2016, poster presentations, May 25 from 10 to 10:30 am and from 3:30 to 4 pm.
60. Mines, Jr., Richard O., “Observations on Using the Flipped Classroom Model in an Introduction to Environmental Engineering Course,” Proceedings 2017 ASEE Zone 2 Spring Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2-5, 2017, podium presentation, Friday, March 3, 2017 at 8:00am.
61. Rexhausen, Victoria C., Dietsch, Jon M., Moore, Tyre H., and Mines, Jr., Richard O., “Residential Anaerobic Digester: Recommendations for Food Waste to Methane,” Proceedings 2019 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Groundwater, Sustainability, Hydro-Climate/Climate Change, and Environmental Engineering, May 19-23, 2019, Pittsburgh, PA, pp 417-423, poster presentation by Victoria Rexhausen.
62. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Avrithi, Kleio, and Cardelino, Natalia, “Startup of a New Civil Engineering Program at Mercer University, “Proceedings 2019 ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, March 10-12, 2019, N.C. State University, North Carolina, podium presentation by Natalia Cardelino.
63.Mines, Jr., Richard O., invited speaker, Georgia ASCE Northeast Branch, “Oxygen Transfer in Bioreactors and Mercer University’s New Civil Engineering Program, November 21, 2019, Watkinsville, GA.
64. Mines, Jr., Richard O., Reflections About Using an Hybrid Inverted Classroom (HIC) in a Sophomore Environmental Engineering Course, ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, March 8-10, 2020, Auburn University, podium presentation, Monday, March 10 at 2:30 pm.
1. Mines, R. O., Evaluation of Oxygen Uptake Rate As An Activated Sludge Process Control Parameter, Engineering Foundation, $17,000, August 1985 - December 1986. 2. Mines, R. O., Activated Sludge Literature Review, VMI Research Lab $2,000, November 1985- January 1986. 3. Mines, R. O., Assessment of Biological Nutrient Removal Systems in Florida, USF Research Council, $3,500, February 1, 1993 - March 1, 1994. 4. Mines, R. O., Aerator Testing, Nicosia, Cypress, $5,000, February 1995 - August 31, 1995. 5. Mines, R. O. and Echelberger, W. F., Waterless Urinal Study; City of Tampa, Florida; $1,200, August 1, 1995 - March 31, 1996. 6. Sherblom, P. S. (Mines, R. O.: Research Associate), USF Lysimeter Station--On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Research; Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, $105,035, May 9, 1995 - June 1997. 7. Mines, R. O., Treatment of Domestic Wastewater Using A Sequencing Batch Reactor, USF Research and Creative Scholarship, $7,500, April 3, 1995 - April 2, 1996. 8. Mines, R. O., Assessment of Water Corrosivity in The Temple Terrace Water Distribution Network; City of Temple Terrace, Florida, $6,360, July 1, 1996 - September 1, 1997. 9. Mines, R. O., Evaluation of the Micronair Residuals Management System; Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Sarasota, Florida, Phase I: $4,501, January 6, 1997 - September 30, 1997. 10. Mines, R. O., Testing Protocol for the Demilitarization System at the Eglin AFB HERD Facility; U. S. Air Force, Eglin AFB, Florida, $12,650, May 13 - July 31, 1997. 11. Mines, R. O., Sludge Minimization Using An Aerobic/Anoxic Treatment Technology; USF Research and Creative Scholarship, $5,000, September 1, 1997 - October 1, 1998. 12. PI, Proposal to Develop an Interactive CD-ROM to Integrate Technology into the Senior Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Mercer University Center for Teaching & Learning, January 21, 2002, $8,000. 13. Co-PI, Ozonation of Source Water, MESI Research Group LLC, Cincinnati, OH, February 2002, $16,819. 14. PI, Proposal to Develop Interactive Design Modules, Mercer University Center for Teaching & Learning, April 4, 2003, $1,000. 15. PI, Dual-Substrate Limitations in the Activated Sludge Process, Mercer University Seed Grant, July 1, 2014 to June 20, 2015, $4,000.
Undergraduate Courses 27. Sophomore Engineering Honors 28. Junior Engineering Honors 29. Senior Engineering Honors Graduate Courses: Most graduate
courses were taught on television through the FEEDS Network. 6. Water Quality I 7. Biosolids Handling, Treatment, and Disposal 8. Modeling and Simulation of Wastewater Processes 9. Unit Operations and Unit Processes in Environmental Engineering 10. Advanced Treatment Technologies for Water Reuse |