Mass Balance Equation for Solid Waste Systems
Generated Waste = Disposed Waste + Recycled Waste + Diverted Waste
Materials Flow Methodology
Site Specific Studies (aka - Load Count Analysis)
Think: What are the pros and cons associated with each of these methods of quantifying waste generation?
- Now, Rework THE EXAMPLE PROBLEM and include the following information:
- A recycling facility was also monitored. This facility received 12 loads during the survey which weighted 1,420 lbs on average.
- The local wastewater treatment facility estimates that 7,350 lbs of food waste is disposed of in home food grinders every week.
- In addition to calculating the per capita generation rate, calculate the recycling effecieny for this residential area.
- You should get a generation rate of 4.03 lb/capita/day and a recycling efficiency of 14.4%
Municipal Waste Generation Rates of Major CountriesData from Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Environmental Data Compendium
Report available at <http://www.oecd.org/document/49/0,3343,en_2825_495628_39011377_1_1_1_1,00.html>
MSW Generation in the U.S. - Tons per Year and Pounds per Capita
MSW Generation in the U.S. - Total and Net GenerationNote that the net generation rate shown is the amount of waste disposed to a landfill or WTE facility.
Data from: US EPA Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: 2014 Fact Sheet Assessing Trends in Material Generation, Recycling, Composting, Combustion with Energy Recovery and Landfilling in the United States November 2016
MSW Disposal Rates for Georgia (Important: this is different from generation) Table Source: Georgia Department of Community Affairs, Solid Waste Management Annual Reports.