Lesson 12: MSW Landfills

Leachate Production, Collection, and Treatment

Read: Text, Chapter 4 (pp. 121-128 & 133-143)


The Executive Summary (pp. ix-xix) and Section 2.0 Review of Design Equations and Techniques (pp. 3-11) of Reinhart, Debra R., and Philip McCreanor, " Implications of Time/Space Variable Leachate Head on Liner Leakage ," December 1999.

Leachate Production and Movement

Collection System Design


Landfill Composite Leachate Collection  
System Installation (Note: Clay, Geo-  
membrane, Gravel, and Sand Materials)
Landfill Leachate Collection System  
Installation (Note: Geo-  
membrane and Drainage Material)
Welding Sheets of HDPE Geomembrane  
for Landfill Liner
Booting Leachate Collection Pipes  
to Landfill Liner

Review:  Example Problem 4-3 (pp. 126)
Review: Example Problem 4-5 (pp. 137).

Page last updated April 14, 2008 by Dr. McCreanor