12: Waste to Energy (Incineration)
- To describe the basic concepts associated with waste incineration including
combustion control, system components, and air pollution concerns
- To present the basic calculations associated with analyzing waste combustion
- Explain the three Ts of combustion
- Describe the main components in a waste to energy (WTE) facility
- Describe the primary air pollution concerns
- Perform basic combustion calculations
Review: Text, Chapter 7 (pp. 283-332)
- Definition (combustion or incineration) - a process of burning in the presence
of oxygen resulting from the rapid oxidation of substances
- Used for municipal solid wastes, industrial (hazardous) waste, sludges,
fossil fuel
- Typically operated with excess air (EA), the oxygen supplied is greater
than the oxygen requirements for complete combustion
- Common acronyms
- WTE - waste to energy
- MWC - municipal waste combustion (no energy recovery)
- Volume and weight reduced (approx. 90% vol. and 75% wt reduction)
- Waste reduction is immediate, no long term residency required
- Destruction in seconds where LF requires 100s of years
- Incineration can be done at generation site (ex. medical waste incinerators)
- Air discharges can be controlled (low health risk)
- Ash residue is usually non-putrescible, sterile, inert
- Small disposal area required
- Cost can be offset by heat recovery/ sale of energy
- High capital cost
- Skilled operators are required (particularly for boiler operations)
- Not all material are incinerable (noncombustable solids)
- Some material require supplemental fuel
- Public disapproval
- Risk imposed rather than voluntary
- Incineration will decrease property value (perceived not necessarily true)
- Distrust of government/industry ability to regulate
- Late 1960s - 300 plants in the US (capacity of 30 million tons/yr)
- 250 plants closed between 1965 and 1980 as a result of Clean Air Act regulations
- 1970’s source separation and mechanical separation (trommel, screens, hammermills,
conveyors, magnets, air classifiers ) were used to produce refuse derived fuel (RDF) to be fired in conventional
coal fired boilers by 1980 all but one of these operations closed due to material handling problems.
- Other issues
- RCRAs emphasis on reduction and recycling,
- better materials handling equipment,
- more effective pollution control equipment available,
- better understanding of combustion technology,
- LF siting problems
- General Chronology
- 1983 - 50 MWC @ 76. million tons/yr
- 1986 - 81 MWC @12 million tons/yr
- 1990 - 168 MWC @31 million tons/yr
- 1991 - 176 MWC (137 with energy recovery) @31.4 million tons/yr, producing
enough electricity to power 1.2 million homes
- 1992 - 190 MWC, 142 WTE @33.6 million tons/yr capacity in 34 states
- 1993 -
- 16% of waste disposed in incinerators
- 100,000 tpd capacity
- Power generation = 1.3 million homes
- 164 MWC units, 125 WTE plants
- 7 under construction, 37 planned
- 1994
- 15.5% of waste disposed in incinerators
- 89,000 tpd
- 2000 - anticipated that 20% of MSW will be combusted
- Future
- Some forms of RCRA reauthorization have called for a moratorium on MWC,
expensive, strong market for recyclables, CAA impacts
- Expect recent rate increase to drop over next few years: limited revenue,
lack of project support, regulationss unclear
- typically a turn key approach; design, construct, turn over the key
- Three Ts
- time
- temperature
- turbulence
- Refuse receipt and storage
- Scales
- Sufficient length of road to entrance to avoid backup
- Tipping area enclosed to prevent nuisance conditions
- Tipping area large enough to permit more the 1 truck to maneuver
- Storage for 2-3 days (also seasonal variations) so that continuous incinerator
operation is possible
- Refuse feeding
- Batch feeding is not desirabel - variation in furnace temperture due to
air leakage leads to incomplete combustion
- Small plants use rams to push waste into furnace
- Large plants use traveling bridge cranes to transfer waste from pit to
charging hopper (1.5-8 yd3
- Charging hopper with steep slope feeds waste into furnace by ram,
grate, or screw
- Grate system - most crucial
- Transport refuse through furnace, promote combustion by adequate agitation
and mixing with air, excessive turbulence leads to excessive carryover of particulates
- 75-100 tons/ft2/hr or 250-300,000 BTU/ft2/hr
- Types = traveling grate ( no longer used), rocking grate, reciprocating
grate, rotary kiln, other proprietary grates (see Fig 13-3 and 13-4, pp. 621)
- Air Supply
- Underfire Air - combustion achieved by injection of combustion air below
- provided by fans,
- cools grates
- 40 to 100% of total air
- low supply inhibits combustion leads to high grate temps, slagging which
blocks grate, and clinkers
- Overfire Air - injection above grate
- supplied by forced air blower, induced draft, or both.
- above air injection line parallel to grate plane
- ensures complete combustion of flue gases and particulates
- promotes turbulence
- particularly important for temperature control where energy recovery is
not provided
- Furnace volume
- primary - area above grates
- secondary combustion chamber - few seconds sufficient to retain gases in
high temp zone for max. fuel volatilization. to ensure complete combustion
- Supplementary Fuel - used to control temp if heat content of primary
fuel (waste) insufficient
- Refractory Lined furnace -
- no heat recovery - greater excess air requirements to control temps
- conductive heating - heat transfer by progressive heating of adjacent elements
(ex..pot on a stove), 100-200% EA required
- Waterwall units,
- in furnace - most common, primary combustion chamber fabricated from closely
spaced steel tube with water recirculation, 50-100% EA required for cooling
- radiation chamber - heat transfer between 2 bodies not in direct physical
contact and at different temperaturs (water and burning fuel)
- Boilers - heat recovery, water converted to steam, water flows countercurrent
to gas flow
- Economizers - heat boiler feedwater by extracting gases as they leave convective
- Convection tube - heat transfer from hot gases moving past tubes - boiler
tubes perpendicular to flow of gas as exits incinerator, saturated steam produced
- Super heater - tubular section upstream of convective section hot incerator
gases superheat steam generated at convective tube
- Heat Content
- Composition, Temperature - Higher temp
important for plume lift, waster condensing problem for public (visual)
- Know BTU in waste
- Know gas composition
- With either flue gas Temp or Enthalpy
known, the other can be calculated
- Pollutants of concern
- Particulates
- Acid Gases (SOx, HCl, HFl)
- NOx, primarily NO and NO2
- Carbon Monoxide, organics (PIC)
- Heavy Metals
- Carbon dioxide not significant,
if all MSW burned, it would contribute <2% of that produced during
E production in US
- Emission Control
- Remove or alter certain waste stream
components, mercury in batteries, HM, Yard waste
- Regulate combustion efficiency (design
and operate furnace to maximize conversion of organic matter to CO2
and water) Good Combustion Practices, GCP
- Use properly maintained and operated
emission control devices, Best demonstrated technology
- Particulates (smoky fire)
- Solid - noncombustable materials
released into flue gas as fly ash, Dia <1 micron to 100s of microns,
inorganic oxides, Heavy metals, unburned matter
- Condensable - refuse vaporized after
passing out of system, cool, condense, ex: mercury, organic compounds
- Causes
- Too low of a comb T (incomplete
- Insuff. oxygen or overabundant
EA (too high T)
- Insuff mixing or residence time
- To much turbulence, entrainment
of particulates
- Control
- Electrostatic precipitator -
after heat recovery, ESP induces a charge particulates, gas stream
passes between plates w/ opposite charge, particulates attracted to
plat, 93% removal of dia <2u, 99.8% removal of larger, cannot always
meet stds
- Fabric Filters, FF (baghouses)
- like vac cleaner, flue gas pulled thru densely woven fabric, superior
effic >99.99% (>effic for smaller diam.)
- Tech of choice for new MWC
- Acid Gases
- From Cl, S, N, Fl in refuse (in
plastics, textiles, rubber, yd waste, paper)
- Uncontrolled incin - 18-20% HCl
with pH 2
- Acid gas scrubber (SO2, HCl, HFl) usually ahead of ESP or baghouse
- Wet scrubber - older type of
system, good mercury removal (cools gas) but generates waste water
- Spray dryer - inject reagent
slurry into a vessel where the water I the slurry evaporates, cooling
the flue gas and allowing the acid gases to react with the reagent,
produces dry powder collected by ESP or FF
- BDT for use with ESP and
- Dry Scrubber Injectors - introduces
a totally dry, highly pulverized lime sorbent into flue gas or in-furnace,
easy to retrofit existing units but limited efficiency (98%)
- 95% removal of HCl, HFl - 95%
- 86% removal of SO2 - 80% required
- Carefully review the example problems in Chapter 7
Page last updated March 19, 2008 by Dr.