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Undergraduate Generic Project Rubric

Characteristic F D C B A
Topics covered Seriously incomplete Somewhat incomplete Complete; covers all important topics Complete; covers all important topics well. Goes beyond the course requirements. Covers at least all important topics and perhaps more. Complete. Goes well beyond the course requirements.
Breadth and depth of coverage of each topic Inadequate; tests not presented. Somewhat adequate; trivial cases; test cases inadequate Adequate breadth and depth; test cases adequate Good coverage. Code tests included. Exceptional coverage. Code particularly well tested, tests particularly well reported
Self-contained (stand alone) report Reading or evaluation of the report depends on material not included in the report. (E.g., the report refers to source code details, but does not include that source code.) Reading or evaluation of the report depends somewhat on material not included in the report. (E.g., the report refers to source code details, but does not include all of that source code.) Report is self-contained Report is self-contained Report is self-contained.
Material in the report is clearly presented and explained Presentation is not clear. Presentation is somewhat unclear. Presentation is clear. Presentation is clear. Presentation is particularly clear.
Ease of navigation and use within report Items are very difficult to locate. Document is hard to use. Items are not easy to locate. Document is hard to use. Report is somewhat easy to navigate and use. Report is easy to navigate and use. Document is especially easy to navigate and use.
Report contents and presentation create an impression of professionalism.

Report's presentation of its contents appear to reflect a very low level of professionalism.

Report's presentation of its contents appear to reflect a low level of professionalism.

Report's presentation of its contents appear to reflect an an adequate level of professionalism.

Report's presentation of its contents appear to reflect a high level of professionalism.

Report's presentation of its contents appear to reflect a very high level of professionalism.

Report is convincing evidence for the high capability of the student(s) in the area (s) covered by the project. Report is convincing evidence of very low capability. Report is unconvincing, or is convincing evidence of low capability. Report is convincing of adequate capability. Report is convincing of high capability. Report is convincing of very high capability.

Each report is graded as a whole, rather than graded by section. The grading is similar to zero-based, additive grading (where you start with a zero, and have points added), except that there is no set number of points for individual parts of the report. (This is different from the more common 100-based, subtractive grading, where you start with 100 points and have points deducted.)

A deliverable that covers all of the required material adequately should receive a C. Deliverables that demonstrate a level of initiative and creativity beyond the minimal expectations for the undergraduate level may receive a grade of B or A.

Some projects in this course are open-ended and substantially student-defined. It is up to you to make the most of the opportunities presented by these projects.

The amount of effort and accomplishment expected are proportional to the number of members of a team. A two person team should accomplish twice as much as a solo performer, etc.

Grading Scale:

  • 90 <= grade <= 100: A
  • 80 <= grade < 90: B
  • 70 <= grade < 80: C
  • 60 <= grade < 70: D
  • grade < 60: F

I have no set policy regarding "+" grades (C+, B+). I look at the grades, and then use my best judgment regarding the possible use of "+".

* In the context of this rubric, "presenting" (and variations on this verb) refers to presentation within the deliverable report (document).

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