ECE 491.0W1 Engineering Data Analysis Differences

This course is likely to be rather different from other courses you have taken. This page provides some explanation of those differences.

This page is under development, and will be updated sporadically as new information becomes available. Please contact the professor with any questions.

Much of this course will be conducted differently from other MUSE undergraduate courses. Asynchronous online learning will be used exclusively (no face-to-face meetings), with projects, but without examinations.

The projects in this course are your opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities you have developed, capabilities specified in the Assignments section of the syllabus.

When you write your project reports, pretend that your report will go to a hiring manager for a job that you really want. (I will be doing this when I grade them.) Demonstrate what you can do, demonstrate the breadth and depth of your capabilities, per the assignment in the syllabus. Explain your work. You don't have to (and should not) write a tutorial on the topics covered. Instead, write an explanation of what you actually did.

Do not include material in your project reports that would go into your cover letter or resume. Your project reports are technical reports.

Expect your grade on each project to reflect how much you demonstrated and how well you demonstrated it. Repetition for the sake of building up the report size is not valuable. For example, "Here is a for loop that executes four times, and here is a for loop that executes five times," is pointless repetition. Instead, demonstrate some capability that is significantly different from what you have already demonstrated.

When in doubt, ask. Ask via the course email listserv, so that everyone in the course can read the same question, and receive the same answer.

The course FTP site, and the relevant email listservs, will be announced separately. They are not specified on the course syllabus, because anyone can access the syllabus via the Web, but the listservs are for Mercer people only, and the course FTP site is for people in this course only.