Classes Taught at Spelman College (1996-1998 Summer Classes):

Introduction to Engineering


Classes Taught at Georgia Institute of Technology (Fall 1999):

Fluid Mechanics


Classes Taught at Mercer:

EGR 235 Thermodynamics

MAE 330 Fluid Mechanics

MAE 302L Experimental Methods for Mechanical Engineers

MAE 335 Thermodynamics II

MAE 402L Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II

MAE 435 Thermal Systems Analysis

MAE 491/591: Advanced Fluid Mechanics

MAE 480 Intro to Senior Design

XX 487/488 Capstone Senior Design

MAE 499 Special Topics - Undergraduate Research

MAE 630 Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics

MAE 691 Transport Phenomena



Projects Advising/Advised


MTS Chiller Project:

Turbo Charger - Awarded Best Senior Design Project of 2014/2015 - Poster Presented at ASEE Southeast 2015 Gainesville, Florida.



Flow Meter

Erosion Test Fixture    

Water Drilling Project



Corrosion Test Chamber

Fatigue Testing Apparatus

Sand Detection Device



Saltwater Corrosion Chamber

Mobile Furnace for Melting Scrap Metals

Semi-autonomous Submarine

Walker Modification

Portable Traction Machine for Non-Surgical Spinal

A Critical Design Review for the MechMed Wound Vacuum System

Saltwater Corrosion Chamber – Iteration 2

Hover Craft

Hydroelectric Powered Generator



Water Cooler Filling System

Pin on Disk Wear Tester

Device to Position and Pour Molten Aluminum

Slurry Tank Wear Tester

Pulsatiel Pump System fro Transient Blood Flow Experiments

Desing and Construction of a Geothermal heating and cooling system

Manually Drilled Wells

Postoperative Device for the Recovery of the Philtrum in Skin Cancer Patients



Pin on Disk Wear Tester

Fatigue Test Fixture

Treadle Lathe

Resisitivity Meter for finding water

Guarded Hot Plate

Ankle Prosthetic

Spring Loaded Arm Extender with Rotation


Water Circulation system

Isothermal Plate for the Wind Tunnel

Longitudinal Wear Tester

Desalinzation Still

Redesign of Helmet to Reduce Damage from Impact

Solid Particle Measurement Device



Wood Thickness Sander for Guitar Tops

Turbine Runner

Temperature, Pressure, Content Sampler

Thermal Conductivity Measurment

Solar Tracker

Fan Jig and Fixture

Braille Bus Card Printer

Sequencing Batch Reactor

Portible Solar Device

Device to Harness Kinetic Energy