Deprotecting the t-butyl ester

After the previous solvent was removed for you in the Goode Research Lab, 3 mL of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol was added to your test tube along with a stir bar. Then, using a Reacti-Therm apparatus (see Figure 1 below), the deprotection was carried out for you by stirring the solution at reflux (~78°C) overnight.

Figure 1. Reaction tubes stirring and heating in the Reacti-Therm appartus.
Figure 1. Reaction tubes stirring and heating in the Reacti-Therm appartus.

The next day, the reactions were cooled and the solvent was evaporated. Now the solid left in the reaction tube should be the deprotected biofilm inhibitor you were synthesizing. However, it might still be impure. Thus, we will use the carboxylic acid functional group to purify our product through extraction (see Final Workup).