TCO 341 Week Seven july 1, 2012

27 June, 2012 8:33 PM by Dr. Susan Codone

Objectives for Week 7 -- Feasibility Reports Presentations & the Proposal Introduction

1. Deliver remaining Feasiblity Report PowerPoint Presentations.

3. Discuss the introduction to the Proposal.

lesson material

Tonight in our Webex discussion we will present our PowerPoint presentations for our feasibility reports in this order (reverse alphabetical order):

Dillon Volk

Rachel Hockenberger

Wilson Elias

Jacob Clifton

James Callender

Andrea Blackburn

Kevin Alexander

Just like last week, Each person will have 7-10 minutes for their presentation. I would like each of you to listen carefully and identify something you learned or a question you have after each presentation.

Feasibility Report Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

We will also discuss the Introduction to the Proposal and user stories on Monday night. Each team needs to present their user story paragraph in Webex for group and class discussion.

You will want to do 4 basic things in the Proposal Introduction:

1. State the purpose of the proposal (using a purpose statement)

2. Clearly establish the credibility of the team

3. Preview the proposal's parts -- explaining how it is put together and written (like a forecast for the reader)

4. Summarize the purpose of the introduction and make a smooth transition to the Technical Approach

You also will want to include pictures -- of the team, Mercer, your project, anything to help the reader visualize your writing.

Here are the two documents we'll use to discuss the Introduction:

PowerPoint Presentation about the Introduction -- it has a lot of text, counter to what I've taught you, but it contains excerpts of an introduction.

Grade sheet for the Introduction -- this is an informal rubric that will help you know if you are writing the Intro correctly.

Remember, a draft Introduction is due Sunday, July 8.

That's all for this week -- see you Monday night, July 2.

Course content copyright 2012 Susan Codone -- Mercer University School of Engineering -- Department of Technical Communication