TCO 341 Week three june 4, 2012

5 June, 2012 9:19 PM by Dr. Susan Codone

Watch the recorded discussion of Monday, June 4 class session

Watch the recorded session on Resumes & Cover Letters -- 34 minutes

Objectives for Week 3 & 3A (Resumes & Cover Letters)

1. Learn to write a three-part purpose statement.
2. Learn about the proposal process.
3. Learn about the proposal project for this summer.
4. Divide into groups and begin communicating about the proposal project.
5. Identify specific ways to write resumes & cover letters for specific employment opportunities.

lesson material

In the recorded session for Week 3 (June 4) we learned a great deal more about the proposal process and how MERC will collaborate with each proposal team throughout the summer.

Here is an example of the Letter of Intent due Sunday, June 10.

The recorded session on Resumes & Cover Letters will teach you the following skills:

1. How to analyze a job description
2. How to write a 3-part cover letter to apply for the position
3. How to write a chronological resume that matches your cover letter and best describes your skills

Documents used in the Resume & Cover Letter session:

Annotated Resume
Annotated Cover Letter
Resume & Cover Letter PowerPoint presentation

If you have questions after you've viewed the Webex recorded presentation for Monday June 4 or the recorded session on resumes & cover letters, email or call me.

REMEMBER -- Due Sunday, June 10:

(1) Letter of Intent
(2) Resume & Cover Letter and the job ad you selected

Course content copyright 2012 Susan Codone -- Mercer University School of Engineering -- Department of Technical Communication