TCO 285
Final Exam

Due on your website: Saturday, May 3 at noon

For this exam, create a folder called "final" to contain the files you build. Link the home page in this folder to your portfolio page, so that the link to this exam looks like this:


This final requires completion of a case study. There are three sections:

  1. A four to five paragraph explanation (25 points)
  2. A flowchart of a proposed website (25 points)
  3. A prototype of a new home page (50 points)

Sections 1-3: A Case Study Webpage Revision

Faculty members at Mercer are given web space to host a faculty website. Some faculty choose to build their own sites and others do not.

For the final exam, choose a faculty member from the faculty web directory. You must choose someone with my approval and you must also ask permission from the faculty member to study his/her website for this final exam.

Faculty Website Directory

To benefit the faculty member whose site you have chosen to study, please do the following:

  1. Analyze the current site and write a 4-5 paragraph explanation of how this professor's content could be formatted differently. Be specific in your description about how you would redesign this web page or website. Be constructive in your language and avoid criticism.
  2. Create a flowchart of the site structure you would use to for the new site, assuming the professor will want more than one page.
  3. Create a one-page prototype of a new home page for this professor to review  (build an actual .html page). You can build more than one page, but only one page is required for this exam.
  4. Save your written description and your flowchart in a format suitable for posting online (pdf or html), and link them with your new faculty home page to your final exam page on your web portfolio.

You may share your prototype with the faculty member.

The personal site web rubric on the Resources page will be used to grade final exam (the web page).



Final Exam

Help your professor!