TCO 285 Document & Web Design Course Companion Site
Dr. Susan Codone, Assistant Professor of Technical Communication



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The Engineering Curriculum
The School of Engineering at Mercer offers Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) and Bachelor of Science degrees.

The BSE degree is ABET-accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC).

BSE Specializations are offered in: 

BS Majors are offered in:
Industrial Management 
Technical Communication


Just as a family has many different characters and facets, so too does Mercer’s Engineering School, and we encourage you to get to know all of them. Find out about our engineering school’s rich history and background. Learn what makes our program at Mercer stand out among other engineering institutions. Meet our Dean and faculty to learn about the leaders of our close-knit community. Mercer's Engineering School is not just another institution for higher education, we take an active interest in each of our students' lives and educations, and it is this personal element that makes Mercer truly unique.

Why Mercer
Earning Recognition
Mercer engineering students are well-known within the engineering community both during their time at Mercer and after graduation. Due to Mercer's small, close-knit learning environment, students benefit from greater attention from faculty which translates to greater engineering opportunities. While at Mercer, students compete in national engineering competitions as well as earn public exposure for successful senior design projects. Students both attend and present at societal conferences, providing them with excellent networking opportunities. Mercer's strong ties with the National Engineering Advisory Board (NEAB) allow students to showcase work at NEAB meetings and network with NEAB members.

Mercer graduates earn further recognition upon entering the workplace. The solid engineering foundation developed during their time at Mercer contributes to their positive work performances for which they receive personal and company accolades. Graduates also continue their societal involvements as professionals.

Distinguishing Mercer's Engineering Program from those of other institutions is the focus our educators place on real-world experience, leading to employability upon graduation.

Unlike other institutions which implement theory first and practice second, at Mercer we believe the two go hand-in-hand. For this reason, students are given their first hands-on projects as freshmen. Students then build on their freshman experiences as they delve into their individual specialties. Class projects, honors projects, and co-oping offer further opportunities to which to apply engineering theory. This real-world emphasis culminates students' senior years when they complete senior design projects, year-long projects completed for clients in industry.

Not only do these projects provide students with work experience, but they also provide valuable opportunities to develop skills in project management and working with teams. Thus, Mercer engineering graduates are not only well-prepared to enter the job market, but more importantly are coveted by employers for their many marketable skills and compensated with highly competitive salaries for their work. (View a listing of companies that hire Mercer students).

Making a Contribution
Mercer engineering students are characterized by their desires to make a contribution to the world. This internal motivator distinguishes the student population from that of other schools. Because students are focused on an overall long-term goal, they perform better in the classroom and, in turn, excel in industry after graduation. Employers recognize the rare balance these students bring to the workplace as they appreciate both the technical and emotional sides of engineering. To support students in this desire, Mercer educators heavily explore the application of technical elements. The one-on-one attention faculty are able to give to students further ensures students are well-equipped to tackle real-world issues.

Dean's Welcome

mercerMercer engineering graduates work in a wide variety of industries located throughout the United States and the world.  Many of our graduates go on the professional and graduate schools. They are well known for their exceptional ability to communicate clearly with others, their ability to work through difficult problems, and their ability to solve problems and design creatively.  Flexibility is a word often used by employers to describe our graduates.

The Mercer University School of Engineering prepares students to serve the rapidly changing demands of a new century.   Our undergraduate degrees provide breadth and depth. Our graduates are equipped to deal with technical topics and with the challenges of practice in the future.  Our professors bring insight and wisdom from many different perspectives – practical experience, research, and the roles of teachers and parents. We provide opportunities for practical work experience, international study and community service.

I encourage you to learn about the Mercer University School of Engineering by visiting our web pages.  A personal visit would allow you to meet us, see our excellent facilities, and experience the special atmosphere on the Mercer campus.  Whether you wish to enroll as a freshman or to transfer from another school, I invite you to consider the Mercer University School of Engineering.  If you have questions or want more information, please email me or call 1-800-637-2378, ext. 2459.

Contact information

Dean Wade Shaw
Mercer University School of Engineering

1400 Coleman Ave
Macon, GA 31207