ISE493 Chatburn_CH02_PP

Fall 2014 Courses

UNV 101

Instructor, Dr. Joan A. Burtner, Certified Quality Engineer

Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management

Peer Advisor:   Isabella Connor



UNV 101 Syllabus Fall 2014 JMB for Web


CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (20 points per event report submitted)

Students must participate in three co-curricular activities.  Each one must be from a different category.

PA 1.  a visual or performing arts event
ATH 2.  an athletic event (e.g. intercollegiate, intramurals, city team)
CW 3.  a meeting of a campus-wide organization (SGA, SUAB, RUF, etc.)
EGR 4.  a meeting of an engineering-school organization (SWE, NSBE, IIE, etc.)
CS 5.  a community service event
EXER 6.  an exercise class (not part of a physical education course)
VOL 7.  a volunteer activity during Mercer Service Week
TOW 8.  the Tower Tour with your UNV 101 PA
ATH - attending an athletic event as a spectator
EXER - participating in exercise class / intramural team