Day |
Activity/Topics |
Assignment |
Jan 9,
2013 |
Ozcan Chapter_1 JMB part1 Jan9 |
Study for acronym quiz based on Wednesday's lecture |
Jan 14,
2013 |
Ozcan Chapter_1 JMB part2 Jan13
of Medicine Report
Err is Human |
Study for quiz on pages 1-5 of To Err is Human |
Jan 16,
2013 |
of Medicine Report
the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century |
Jan 21,
2013 |
Holiday |
Jan 23,
2013 |
ISE 468 Data
Set 1 |
1. Conduct
a two-sample t-test on one of the responses in Data Set 1 (avg pt
falls, case mix index, etc).
2. Conduct
a Mood's Median Test on one of the responses in Data Set 1.
3. Bring
a printout of your Minitab results to class on Monday.
4. Annotate
your Minitab results with a decision and a conclusion for each hypothesis
5. Be sure
to write your name on each page you submit. |
Jan 28,
2013 |
The Institute of Medicine Jan28 |
W Jan 30 |
NonparametricLecture1 Jan302013 |
Complete worksheet on terms and acronyms in "Real-time
forecasting of pediatric intensive care unit length of stay using
computerized provider orders" article. |
M Feb 4 |
parametric and non-parametric experiments (one factor and two factor)
ETM 568 Hypothesis Testing Template for One Factor Experiment DISTRIBUTE
ETM 568 Hypothesis Testing Template for TwoWay ANOVA DISTRIBUTE |
the two experiments you designed.
the results of the Kruskal-Wallis using the one factor experiment
hypothesis test template. Report the results of the twoway ANOVA
using the TwoWay ANOVA hypothesis testing template. Each team should
submit one two-way ANOVA template and one one-factor experiment
template. |
W Feb 6 |
Nursing Interruptions Feb 6 |
Read "Characteristics of Work Interruptions
During Medication Adminstration". Be prepared to discuss results
and conclusions in class on Monday. |
M Feb 11 |
reviewed Exam 1 topics
(Ozcan will not be covered
on Exam 1)
- To Err is Human
- Crossing the Quality Chasm
- "Characteristics of Work Interruptions
During Medication Adminstration".
- "Real-time forecasting of pediatric intensive
care unit length of stay using computerized provider orders"
- Designing and Interpreting Parametric and Non-Parametric
W Feb 13 |
Exam 1 |
Read the
Evidence-based Pediatric Fall Prevention Program article. Write
down the answers to the following questions.
1 What
was the study design?
2 What
is the name of the form used to collect data for the pilot study?
3 What
did the researchers conclude about the sample size used in the pilot
4 What
was the hospital-wide logo for the fall preventin program?
5 The prevention
program reduced falls by what percentage? |
M Feb 18 |
Ozcan Chapter_9 Lecture 1 JMB |
W Feb 20 |
Ozcan Chapter_9 Lecture 2 JMB |
Read Chapter 9 in Ozcan. Do problems 9.1 and 9.2 on page 232. |
M Feb 25 |
Using Minitab to build variables and attributes control charts. |
Read "Applications of Statistical Quality Control to Cardiac
Surgery". Be prepared for a brief quiz on the SQC aspects
of the article. |
W Feb 27 |
SQC Quiz Discussion of objective/subjective and human
subjects research protocols. |
Re-read Chapter 9 in Ozcan. Do problems 9.4 and 9.5. |
M Mar 4 |
9.5 b and c The Measurements section should have included the fact
that there were 3222 discharges.
Problem 9.5 d Use the equation
on page 221 to calculate Hours of Direct Patient Care -- Note that
the direct nursing care hours are included in parentheses in the
Patient Classification section. |
Use the March 4 data set to develop a valid 2x3 ANOVA.
W Mar 6 |
ISE 468 data March
4 2013 |
M Mar 18 |
Ozcan Chapter_6 JMB v4 slides 1thru21 |
Problem 6.1 Problem 6.4 a and b |
W Mar 20 |
Healthcare - The Identification of Waste JMB |
Healthcare - Value Stream Maps JMB |
468 Overview of the Balanced Scorecard in Healthcare JMB |
M Mar 25 |
Guest Speaker - Ms. Susan
Director, HCA |
Be prepared
for a quiz on the following terms from the Lean Six-Sigma for Healthcare
Glossary distributed in class on Monday.
Belt, Champion, Cost of Quality, DPMO, KPIV, sigma quality levels,
SIPOC, SMART, voice of the customer and voice of the process |
W Mar 27 |
Quiz on Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare terms. |
M Apr 1 |
ISE 468 April 1 2013
class data |
Write a one-page 12 pt Times New Roman single-spaced
summary of the things we discussed in class (ICD-9, the statistical
properties of the data set, potential inferential statistical methods,
etc.). Include your name and the date at the top of the page. Name
your file yourname_initial data analysis. Email it to
me by 2:45 on Wednesday, April 3. |
W Apr 3 |
Review of Chi-Square Methods in Minitab |
a) Using
the April 1 class data, develop a data column that labels patient
weight according to the low, medium, and high categories we established
in class. Conduct a Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test for the
following proportions: low=20%, medium=50%, and high= 30%.
a Chi-Square Test for Independence between Gender and Patient Weight
using the categories we established in class.
Write a
brief memo describing your methods and your conclusions. Submit
one memo per team. Email it to me by 2:45 on Monday, April 8. |
M Apr 8 |
Data Analysis and Manipulation: Procedure Codes and Diagnosis Codes |
Using the assigned teams, design and conduct an ANOVA
using procedure codes as the factor and total charge as the response.
You do not need to use all of the procedure code data in your design.
Your experiment must include at least 21 observations (patient id's)
and at least 3 levels of the factor. Put the data for your experiment
an Excel file. Include ISE 468 and your first names in the title
of the Excel file. Write a brief memo describing 1) your choice of
levels of the factor 2) the analysis technique, and 3) your conclusions.
Each team should email a single memo and the Excel data set to me
by noon on Saturday. |
W Apr 10 |
No class attendance - Submit team data analysis project by noon
on Saturday. |
Read Chapter 1 of Pursuing the Triple Aim.
Be prepared for a quiz on Table 1.1 " Simple Rules for the
Twenty-First-Century Health Care System". |
M Apr 15 |
Pursuing the Triple Aim
Ozcan Chapter_12 JMB Guidelines |
W Apr 17 |
Guest Speaker
Elrod, MBA, CHFM
Innovation Engineer |
Pursuing the Triple Aim Chapter 1 slides 1-4
ETM 568 Pursuing the Triple Aim Chapter 1 Part 2 |
M Apr 22 |
2 Topics:
Ozcan Ch 1, 6 and 9 (concepts, definitions, acronyms)
2. Computation problems Ozcan 6.1 6.4 9.1 9.2
Design of experiments (parametric, non-parametric) - choice of experiment,
interpretation of output provided
You will not be allowed to use computer programs (Minitab or Excel)
for this exam.
Never events
Statistical Quality Control - types of charts, special cause vs.
common cause |
Read the Preface and
Chapter 1 of Pursuing the Triple Aim. We will have a quiz
on that material on Wednesday.
Pursuing the Triple Aim Chapter 1 slides 1-4
ETM 568 Pursuing the Triple Aim Chapter 1 Part 2 |
Read the Preface and
Chapter 1 of Pursuing the Triple Aim. We will have a quiz
on that material on Wednesday.
Pursuing the Triple Aim Chapter 1 slides 1-4
ETM 568 Pursuing the Triple Aim Chapter 1 Part 2 |
W Apr 24 |
Ch3 Ch5
Ch 7 Measuring
Healthcare 4 Measuring
Healthcare 6 Measuring
Healthcare 8 |
M Apr 29 |
Final Exam Distributed |
468 ETM 568 Fianl Exam publish |
R May 2 |
Final Exam Due |
. |
Reference materials: |
testing review Part1 DISTRIBUTE |
HowtoBuildandAnalyze a TWO-WAY ANOVA using Minitab15 |
NonparametricLecture1 March292011 |
Nonparametric examples 1 2 3 4 without solutions for Tuesday March
20 2012 publish |
How to Conduct Two Way ANOVA in Excel |