Fall 2008 Courses

ISE 327  Statistical Quality Design and Control

Instructor, Dr. Joan A. Burtner, Certified Quality Engineer

Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering

2008 Syllabus

Final Exam    December 9, 2008   2-5pm

Homework and Exercises                    Updated December 5, 2008

Class Notes

Due Date

HW 1
Find one article on Quality. Bring a copy of the article and your own summary and critique to class.  
August 2008
HW 2
HW 3

Review notes from your statistics course.  

Problem 3.3  Use any valid method for constructing a histogram based on the specified number of cells.

  September 4, 2008
HW 4
3.6b   3.9ab  3.11   3.14a   See pages 66-67 of your statistical quality control text for an explanation of how to calculate the population standard deveiation for the data set. ISE327 Statistics Basics September 9, 2008
HW 5 Use Excel to build a histogram for the first 15 samples of data in the file.  Since there are 75 data points, use 8 or 9 bins. Format the histogram. Print the graph and bring it to class.   Include your name in the title of the graph. BuildCustomHistogram_Excel September 16, 2008

ISE327F08 Chapter3 HW JMB

ISE327F08_hypothesis testing examples

HW 6
4.11  4.12  4.15  4.20 Conduct the appropriate hypothesis test using hand calculations, Excel or Minitab.  Regardless of the method used, include a graphic, a decision, and a conclusion for each problem.   September 18, 2008
HW 7


This file contains homework instructions and data to copy into Minitab.  If you use Minitab 15, you need to save your file so that it can be accessed by Minitab 14 software that is loaded in our labs. Bring a hard copy of your homework and an electronic version of your Minitab session to class on Tuesday.

In-class demonstration September 23, 2008
HW 8 Prepare for a quiz on statistics review.   September 30, 2008
HW 9

Using the problem 6.4 data, calculate the upper and lower control limits.   Bring the hard copy and the electronic version of the homework to class.

  October 2, 2008
HW 10 Using the problem 6.4 data, build an xbar chart with zones as instructed in class. Evaluate the data based on the first four tests for control chart interpretation as described on pages 188-190 of your text.   Bring the hard copy and the electronic version of the homework to class.

Test on chapters 1-5 on

October 7, 2008

October 7, 2008
HW 11

Build an R chart and an Xbar chart for the data in problem 6.4. Evaluate the data based on all of the tests for control chart interpretation as described in Chapter 6 of your text.  

Bring a hard copy of each chart and the electronic version of the homework (including the original data) to class on Tuesday.

  October 14, 2008
HW 12

Build an R chart and an Xbar chart for the data in problem 6.16. Evaluate the data based on all of the tests for control chart interpretation as described in Chapter 6 of your text.  

Bring a hard copy of each chart and the electronic version of the homework (including the original data) to class on Thursday.

  October 16, 2008
HW 13

USE MINITAB to build an R chart and an Xbar chart for the data in problem 6.16. USE MINITAB to evaluate the data based on all of the tests for control chart interpretation as described in Chapter 6 of your text.   Put your name in the title of each chart.

Bring a hard copy of each chart and the electronic version of the homework (including the original data) to class on Tuesday.

  October 21, 2008
HW 14 Problem 6.14a   October 23, 2008
HW 15 Problem 6.14b   October 28, 2008
HW 16 Problem 6.19   November 4, 2008
      November 6, 2008
      November 11, 2008
HW 17 Problem 13.21a  13.23a   November 13, 2008
HW 18 Problem 13.34   November 18, 2008
  Test 2 ISE327F08_datafortest2 November 20, 2008

Fall 2008 Company Interview Questions ISE 327

E-mail me for approval of your interviewee.  You may not interview the same person you interviewed for ISE 288.


December 11, 2008

12 noon


Submit a summary 1/2 page and critique 1/2 page for each of these articles.




December 11, 2008

12 noon


Project:  Write a 4-5 page paper (12 point Times Roman double-spaced) on one of the following topics:

"The Use of Basic Quality Tools in _______________"

"The Application of Six Sigma in _________________"

"Achieving the ISO 9000 Standard in _______________"

(healthcare, automotive industry, government, aerospace industry, banking, Indian healthcare, hotel services, fast food industry, textile manufacturing, education, etc)

Include a minimum of five references in your paper.

E-mail me for approval of your topic. I will not approve duplicate topics.



December 11, 2008

12  noon