IDM 355
Quality Management
Dr. Joan A. Burtner, Certified Quality Engineer
Associate Professor
of Industrial Engineering
/ Class Notes |
Assignment |
Due Date
Introduction to quality
Discussion of development
of fishbone diagrams. |
HW 1 |
Build a fishbone (cause-and-effect) diagram for the problem "failed
my first statistics quiz" |
Aug 23 |
Review two-sample hypothesis testing using Minitab.
HW 2 |
Be prepared to talk about the differences in two-sample hypothesis
testing using Minitab and Excel. |
Aug 28 |
HW 3 |
HW 4 |
IDM355 TwoWayAnova
Minitab Format |
HowtoBuildandAnalyze a TWO-WAY ANOVA using Minitab15 |
(Besterfield Version) |
HW 5 |
Sept 13 Lab Exercise
Use the
data on page 544 of your text to build a two-way ANOVA in Minitab
and in Excel. Copy and paste the computer results to a Word file.
Put your name on each page.
Give the
file the name IDM355Sept13yourname.
IDM355Sept13JoanBurtner |
HW 6 |
the Word file to before Monday Sept 17 at 9pm.
Bring a
printout of the computer output to class on Tuesday. |
reviewed one way ANOVA
quiz results
two way ANOVA table and mathematical relationships
interaction plots using Minitab
REVISED 91912 |
HW 7 |
Use the hypothesis testing template to report the
results of your Sept 13 lab exercise. |
Sept 20 |
HW 8 |
List two ways in which the School of Engineering
follows Deming's 14 points. List two ways in which the School
of Engineering violates Deming's 14 points. Submit
by email. Put your name and the due date in the subject line of the
email. |
Sept 27
1 pm |
HW 9 |
an example of a Win/Win and a Win/Lose situation in your life.
Give an
example of Covey's Habit 5. Give an example of Covey's Habit 6.
Use a word
processor and bring the printout to class. |
Oct 4 |
TEST 1 October 9, 2012 |
Fall Break October 11, 2012 |
Reviewed Test 1 results. Completed discussion of chapter
3 (Kano). Introduced chapter 4 ( Maslow and Herzberg) |
HW 10 |
Build a Kano model for a cell phone (minimum
12 items). Include at least one item in each quadrant. |
Oct 18 |
HW 11 |
HW 12 |
HW 13 |
HW 14 |
HW 15 |
HW 16 |