Spring 2014 Courses
EGR 252.002
Instructor, Dr. Joan A. Burtner, Certified Quality Engineer
Syllabus EGR252002 Spring2014 rev1 Jan72014
Updated April 22, 2014 9:35 am
EXERCISE 2 : Page 358 problems 10.39 10.40 (USE EXCEL)
JMB 2014 Hypothesis Testing Template for One Factor Experiment Computer DISTRIBUTE
Use the Hypothesis Testing Template for each problem
**due at the beginning of class on Tuesday April 1**
EXERCISE 3: Page 357 problems 10.28 10.30 (USE MINITAB)
***For problems 10.28 and 10.30, use 2-sample t with summarized data.***
***due at the beginning of class on Tuesday April 1***
Introduction to ANOVA.
EGR252S14 Conducting a One Way ANOVA in Minitab 15
EGR252F13_ExcelOneWayANOVA_Instr_RevNov2013 publish
EGR252S2014_hypothesis testing template publish
We will discuss Exercise 5 in class on Tuesday.
Two-Way ANOVA data input (Minitab)
JMB 2014 HypothesisTestingTemplateExample TwoFactorANOVA Design REVISED 32414
Chapter 10 hypothesis testing using Chi-Square and proportions
EGR252JMB ChiSquareDemowithMinitabInputandOutput